Centerpoint Church

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Discovering your purpose requires you pay attention

You have a purpose that is much greater than yourself. To discover it, you must be willing to step out in faith and to risk failure along the way. Your divine calling is always contingent on grabbing ahold of divine moments. The reality is that God has a divine destiny on your life, discovering your purpose is nothing more than being willing to say I am all in. 

Here’s the reality: these divine moments are sometimes small and seemingly insignificant. They are so small they are easy to ignore yet simultaneously big enough to change your life forever. 

At some point, seizing that divine moment will cost you something. It’s the reason we don’t immediately say yes. It’s uncomfortable, it’s difficult, and it is costly to say yes. 

In Mark 8:31-34 Jesus told His disciples that He would suffer and be rejected. Peter reacted to this news and basically told Jesus to stop being so negative. In response Jesus rebukes Peter telling him his eyes and his mind were not on the things of God but on the things of the world. 

Jesus doesn’t stop there. He takes this moment and draws the crowd and all of the disciples to Him and says that for those who follow Him, they can’t run from suffering, but rather should embrace it. Take up my cross, Jesus says, and follow me. Discovering your purpose requires you pay attention, but it also requires that sacrifice along the way. 

Picking up your cross is not about salvation, it’s about seizing your moment and your calling. It requires that you deny yourself. When we have goals, we must make sacrifices to reach the final destination. If we want to lose weight, we count calories and give up carbs. We have to let go of something we are holding onto. When we follow Christ and embrace His purpose for our lives, we have to make a decision. At some point, to reach the goal of living life to our fullest, we will need to let go of what is holding us back. To discover your purpose, you have to pay attention. 

Discovering your purpose isn’t about losing something, it's about gaining everything. 

At Centerpoint, we are breaking down every barrier that keeps people from the love of God. We don’t shy away from the hard questions. No matter where you are in your faith journey, you are welcome to join us!