Centerpoint Church

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What does it mean to wait on the Lord in a world where we don't like waiting?

But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.

They spread their wings and soar like eagles,

They run and don’t get tired,

They walk and don’t lag behind.

— Isaiah 40:31 (MSG)

In the modern world, people don’t really like to wait around. We have a lot of on-demand services like lightning-fast internet and high-resolution movies and downloadable entire television series. We can hop in a car, drive to a restaurant and be home with food in just a few minutes. We despise waiting times in places like hospitals or the DMV. 

So, in a culture where we don’t like to wait, what does it mean to wait on the Lord?

What does it mean to wait on the Lord?

On the surface level, waiting on the Lord is the literal act of waiting. You might be waiting on the Lord to answer a prayer, or you might be waiting on Him to fulfill one of His promises according to Scripture. Regardless of what it is, there is often a literal time of waiting on the Lord to do something that requires patience from many of us. So, why is this in the Bible?

Why would the Bible teach us something so simple and obvious as “You have to be patient while waiting for someone to do something”? Well, the word we’ve translated from ancient Hebrew into “wait” in the sections of the Bible where “wait on the Lord” is used is “qavah.”

Qavah means to “to wait, look for, hope and expect.” This is a deeper sense of waiting than simply being patient for an action or response. It is a hope rooted in faith that the Lord will come through. He has an ultimate plan of restoration for humankind, and even if we don’t see them in our lifetime, we have hope that He will fulfill His promises.

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, we wait on the Lord in full hope that He has good in store for humankind. We believe He wants good in each of our lives and would love to join you on your journey in finding out what He has in store for you.. We hope to meet you at one of our three services on Sunday morning in Valrico, Florida.