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Hard things about the Bible that Christians find hard to admit

Christians love and revere the Bible above most things in life. Because of this, it’s hard for us to admit that it isn’t all wonderful rainbows and sunshine like we like to pretend. It can be hard, confusing and outright challenging. But that’s OK. We’re supposed to be able to interact with the Bible, so it needs to be challenging for us throughout our lives.

Here are some ways the Bible is challenging that Christians find hard to admit.

The Bible ain’t clear

Talk to any biblical scholar or enthusiast about conflicting or confusing passages for a minute, and they’ll talk your ear off for hours. They jump through hoops, connect dots, and draw conspiracy lines like Charlie Day to explain why this confusing or conflicting thing isn’t actually confusing or conflicting. 

This isn't to say that there aren’t confusing or conflicting parts of the Bible that cannot be genuinely explained in a clear way. However, it is to point out that a lot of the Bible isn’t clear. Churches have split and divided like cells over thousands of years because they didn’t see eye to eye on interpretations of passages. 

No one has it all figured out, and frankly, that’s a beautiful part of the Bible. It’s a living document, not a stale, dead text. It’s meant to be interacted with and challenging. We should all strive to find God in the confusion instead of getting frustrated or hung up on finding “the right answers.”

We project more than we like to admit

Speaking of varying interpretations, we all need to step back and be honest and admit that we project more into the text rather than drawing from it. Scholars refer to this as eisegesis, the practice of inserting one’s own beliefs, perspectives or worldview into the interpretation of a text.

A little eisegesis in interpretation is valuable because we all have unique perspectives and thoughts. However, we need to be careful not to let our egos get in the way of what God wants to teach or show us in the Bible. Instead, we need to practice exegesis, which is the practice of drawing out meaning as intended from the text. This isn’t always easy, as we discussed above, but it is good to try to maintain this perspective when we approach the Word of God.

The Bible is not God

Well, duh, you might be saying. However, many people seem to get hung up on the Bible so much that they treat it as though it were God Himself. There is something to be said about treating the Bible with respect and honor, but we need to remember that it is not the same as God.

It’s very human to get hung up on something tangible and raise it to the status of an idol. It’s very human to want to try to find all the answers and be right about the text instead of simply trusting God. 

We should all try a little harder to remember that the Bible is not God; it is an instrument of His to teach us and show us His ways and His story, but it is not the end all and be all. 

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. Do you want to grow in your faith, or are you simply curious about who this Jesus guy is? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.