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8 small steps you can take to help the poor in your area

Do you have no idea how to help the poor in your community? No matter where you live, people around you need your help.  

Christians can serve God and others in various ways by helping the poor. It is possible to aid the poor in your community in many ways. The Bible tells Christians to love and care for others. However, helping the poor can sometimes seem overwhelming.

Without knowing how or where to find legitimate services in your area, it isn't easy to show love and give to those in need.

Helping the poor does not have to break the bank. Most of us have to deal with financial limitations as well. However, there are multiple ways to be of service to the poor.

A few small steps you can take to help the poor in your local area

1.Get connected with a food pantry

Find out if your area has a food pantry. These organizations provide emergency food supplies to people in need. They can give nonperishable foods such as canned goods, cereal and bread. The food banks may also offer perishable foods and meats, though they can often not meet the demand. Helping the poor can simply involve keeping your local food pantry stocked with the items they need most.

2. Check social services

Locate the social services in your area. Financial assistance programs are involved in helping the poor. They are available in some towns to help low-income families pay for necessities like housing, utilities and groceries. Find out what kind of assistance is available in your area if you know someone who needs help paying their bills or buying food. 

3. Extend a helping hand

Helping the poor can be as simple as showing you care. You can assist your neighbor if you notice they have fallen on hard times. It is common for people not to ask for help because they feel uncomfortable asking or do not want others to feel obligated to help. However, if you have an established relationship with them, they may feel a little more comfortable receiving help.

4. Organize a drive

At work or school, you can organize a canned food drive. Consider organizing a canned food drive in areas where you see struggling people — the break room, your children's school ( a great way to inspire helping the poor amongst kids). You can also raise awareness while collecting nonperishable foods for the local food bank.

5. Just strike up a conversation

You don't have to be a social worker or a pastor to help the poor. People struggling with poverty shouldn't be invisible, and helping them can be as simple as spending time with them. Sit down with them and listen to their problems if they need help. If they need food or clothing, offer to take them shopping. Offer to drive them if they need a ride.

6. Visit a shelter or soup kitchen

Visit a local shelter if helping the poor is on your mind. Or a soup kitchen to understand your local community better. See if you can meet a need there by donating your time. Many shelters and soup kitchens need cleanup and meal preparation; by donating your time and effort, you not only get to help others, but you also get to experience what life is like for the less fortunate.

7. Host a clothing drive

Collect clothing to donate to a local organization that helps the homeless and others in need. You can also collect gently used professional clothing to donate to organizations that can then provide them to people entering the workforce.

8. Donate financial resources

Maybe you don't have time to shop for goods to donate. You can help an organization that addresses hunger or homelessness in your community by donating money. Typically, you will have the option of a one-time donation or a monthly donation.

Going out and helping may not always be easy; you may have to sacrifice time, energy and money, but it's worth it. Reach out to a local church or ministry that helps the poor; many churches and ministries have programs to help the poor in your community. Find out more by contacting your local pastor or woman of God! It is a worthy expression of faith to help meet the needs of those in your community.

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