Centerpoint Church

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How to hear God's voice when making a decision

Are you facing a major decision and want to know if it’s one that God would have you do? Sometimes, His guidance is clear on what decisions to make. The Scriptures and Jesus’ personal examples are excellent reference materials for what we should do in our own lives. However, what we should do is often unclear despite having these examples.

In moments like these, we might feel like God is ignoring us. But His presence is always with us, so this can’t be true. Instead, He may be talking to us in different ways or guiding us to think about something differently.

Be still and listen

God has immense power and sometimes speaks very clearly to people, but He usually speaks to us in whispers in the quiet. When the prophet Elijah sought guidance from God, he was instructed to stand on a mountain and wait for God to pass by. This is what happened next: 

“A hurricane wind ripped through the mountains and shattered the rocks before God, but God wasn’t to be found in the wind; after the wind an earthquake, but God wasn’t in the earthquake; and after the earthquake fire, but God wasn’t in the fire; and after the fire a gentle and quiet whisper.”

  • 1 Kings 19:11-12 (MSG)

When Elijah heard the whisper, he heard God’s voice and spoke with Him about what he needed to do. If you be still and listen for God in the quiet, you may hear His whispers too. Sometimes, this is a tangible voice, but for many, it’s more of a prodding in your heart and mind. Sometimes, you may hear nothing at all. Don’t worry, though. This usually means you need to spend more time reflecting on the decision and seeking out God. 

Do not be afraid to act

Satan uses distractions, fear, guilt, low self-esteem and other factors to keep us from loving others and doing God’s will. Are you seeking God’s will on a decision and have an idea of how to act but have something that’s holding you back? Address what’s holding you back so you can move on and do what you feel God is calling you to do.

Jesus tells us to take up our cross and follow Him. What He means is that following Him isn’t always easy and that there may be sacrifices and challenges on the way. If we’re not willing to face or overcome these, we may not be able to hear God’s voice for guidance when making a difficult decision.

Centerpoint Church will join you on your journey of growing closer to God

The Centerpoint community doesn’t have any secret recipes for obtaining God’s will. What we do have is a community of believers who love and support one another and strive to love others outside of the church. If you’re trying to grow closer to God and hear His voice, we’d love to support you and be a part of your journey.