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9 ways that deconstructing your faith can be beneficial to you

It can be harrowing to deconstruct your faith. It can feel like a destabilizing process where you have no idea where you will end up. It may feel like you're standing in a room filled with priceless ideas that have now disappeared. “Is it possible that I will lose all faith in God?” you wonder. Some people do lose their faith in God when they deconstruct their faith! Many people, however, are re-engaged with their beliefs in other ways.

We go through deconstructing faith more times than we realize. Deconstructing faith (to some degree) can happen every time we face something so outside of our grid that we have to process why God would allow that to happen.

Deconstructing faith can benefit you in the following ways:

1. You understand that the world around you is complex

You can benefit by deconstructing faith if it allows you to think critically about your religious beliefs and learn about the world around you. In deconstruction, a complex group of thoughts or ideas is broken down into simpler parts. When you deconstruct faith, you will gain new insights and discover that the world is more complicated than you thought. This process can help you and me remain more humble. We realize that we don't know it all.

2. You are more spiritual than religious

If you deconstruct your faith, you may discover new spiritual ways of connecting with Christ that reflect who you are and what matters to you. You will gain a greater sense of purpose and lead an authentic life by expressing your identity. 

3. You discover a new side of your faith

Taking a new look at your faith and what it means to you can add a new dimension to your faith. Doing this opens you up to new ideas and possibilities about religion that may have never occurred to you before. For example, maybe you will start experiencing miracles. Or, it might answer some questions you've had over the years.

4. New perspectives form

You can gain a better understanding of God and His ways. When confronted with a perspective that wasn't previously in your mind, you have to think differently.

God can be perceived in a variety of ways. Many people see Him as just a harsh and mean Father who won't tolerate our mistakes. When we deconstruct faith, we realize the many times God showed love toward us and blessed us even when we weren't deserving. After all, it is the kindness of God that leads us to repentance.

5. You discover your true feelings about God

Sometimes we go through life without realizing that we are angry at God or disappointed with Him. It is possible to become blind to the fact that we have legitimate issues with the Lord over time. I'm sure there are plenty of God's children who have blocked out the pain, but it's lurking deep beneath the surface.

Deconstructing faith will inevitably bring to light those issues that you have with God. There are three options available: You can dive into the relationship with the Father and allow healing to occur, or you can avoid it altogether. Alternatively, you can choose to end the relationship because the pain and disappointment are too great.

As the Bible tells us, choose today whom you will serve. Will you continue? Will you go in a different direction? Coming to such a crossroads is not a bad thing. Coming to such a crossroads is a good thing. It presents the opportunity to be more authentic in our relationship with God.

6. You begin to understand the ways of God

Christianity has been taught to believers all their lives (or mostly), and often authority figures inform them of what their beliefs should be. Many were indoctrinated with these things early and followed them without question. Many of us have discovered that our belief systems do not always result from rational thought processes or because of searching Scriptures on our own.

Amid the complexity of life, we realized that we did not understand God's ways in the personal affairs of His people. How He ended up solving problems or giving us wisdom contradicted (at times) the reality of how we were taught to understand Him.

Note that some realizations of your process may come at a later time. So, don’t be surprised when you have “aha!” moments months down the road.

7. You become at peace with mystery

Even though you can begin to understand His ways in your life, it is good to remember there's always a mystery with spiritual matters. Christians serve an infinite God while having finite minds. In deconstructing faith, you can come to terms with the idea that some secrets are beyond our comprehension.

8. You realize that God doesn't mind your questions

Have you ever been a part of a church (or family) where you could never question anything? Like, it was almost a sin to have questions. Well, in deconstructing faith, you might realize that our Maker is not offended by the questions you have.

He will not try to shut you down or shut you up. Though clarity might not come instantaneously, God knows the right time to deliver the answer we are seeking.

9. You experience a deep relief

Sometimes, deconstructing faith boils down to having a good old-fashioned conversation with God that we have avoided. Just like when there is a pending conversation that we need to have with a friend or family member. 

We wonder why we were so afraid to have the conversation in the first place. While you and I may want to avoid it at all costs, everything feels so much better once we've had it. Breaking things down in our faith with the Lord can bring a deep sense of relief. What He says in His Word is true, and we can testify to it in our lives.

Hopefully, this article helped you realize that it is possible to deconstruct faith beneficially. Ultimately, deconstructing your faith can lead to inner peace and a positive experience. All of us are looking for meaning in life, but how religion fits into that is up to you. 

Though the process can be painful and make you question everything about your faith, the result can be a better life for you. It can present more clarity. You have more concrete answers to why you believe what you believe. There is greater peace in the mystery. You have the peace of mind in knowing God accepts and loves you still in all the processes of deconstructing faith.

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. You can also find out what our community’s purpose and passion are all about by checking out some of the past sermons we’ve posted on our website. 

Do you want to grow in your faith, or are you simply curious about who this Jesus guy is? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our podcast series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.