Centerpoint Church

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A few New Year’s resolution ideas and where to start

2020 is here! Did you land on a New Year’s resolution or are you still searching for ideas? We’ve gathered together a few ideas and the first steps to take to implement each one. Let’s make 2020 the year we reach our city for Christ! 

New Year’s Resolution Ideas

  • Be epic - Stepping into your divine calling starts with recognizing the everyday ordinary opportunities. Resolve to be present, to notice the people around you, and be willing to act on their behalf. See someone who is hungry, then feed them. See someone with holes in their shoes, buy them a new pair. See someone who is lonely, sit with them and be a friend. People are not your projects but rather individuals in need of authentic love and care.

  • Scatter - Church was never meant to be one group of people outside of the world but rather a group that comes together and then scatters into the rest of the community. We come together to learn more about God and then go into the community to share His love with others. Make a point to go into uncomfortable places to make yourself available to those who won’t come to you.

  • Don’t delay - If God is calling you to something but you are hesitating, stop hesitating. We aren’t called to what is comfortable. Dreams and goals have a cost and moving towards them is not comfortable. So, if you are waiting for the perfect timing, know that it won’t happen. When God calls, go. 

Be a doer, not a dreamer

In 2020, we all need to commit to go and do, not just dream. Let’s follow through with our dreams and live into the purpose for which we were created. 

According to a U.S. News & World Report, 80% of those who make New Year’s resolutions will not achieve them. Most peter out mid-February. It’s why some people skip the resolution and instead choose a word of the year. Whether you draw out a map to get there or choose an abstract word, be open to God’s nudge and go when you are called. 

Following Jesus isn’t faith in faith. It always begins with information. There is a firm foundation on which we stand. 

We have been called into a divine purpose that is much bigger than us. It is a call to live life with furious urgency around Jesus’s agenda and as part of Jesus’s movement. Every moment counts. Are you ready to make 2020 count?