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Why Christians should not ignore environmental concerns

The last book of the Bible is the book of Revelation, which most of us are familiar with as the book concerning the ending of all things. In this book, the world is destroyed by a series of plagues, wars and natural disasters. However, Jesus returns in total glory and power, restoring creation and creating paradise on Earth for those who want it. 

Scholars have debated for thousands of years the meanings of Revelation and how to interpret its text. Regardless of the book’s lack of clarity, there are many Christians who take it literally and believe that the destruction is inevitable and that Jesus will return to fix it all. So, with that logic, why should a Christian be bothered with environmental concerns? Well, there are many reasons why, including some that can be found within the Bible.

Why Christians should care about the environment

  • Interpretations of the Bible are conflicting — As we’ve mentioned, there have been different interpretations of the Bible for thousands of years. That’s why there are so many denominations of the Christian church. You do not have to accept and believe that it is pointless to care about the environment because of what someone else thinks about Revelation. Make up your mind for yourself.

  • The earth belongs to God — In Psalm 24, the author makes it clear that God has claim over all the world and everything and everyone in it; after all, He created it all. It is not ours to toy with or treat with disrespect. If we respect God, we need to respect what is His, which includes the planet we live on.

  • We have dominion, not absolute authority — In Genesis and Psalm 115, God expresses that the earth is for mankind to rule over. Many Christians take this verse and run with it, saying, “See, it’s ours and we can do what we want with it.” But imagine if you will that a parent asks their teenage son to watch over the home while they go out for a bit. When the parent returns, you would agree that they should be upset when they discover that the son hosted a wild party and the house is destroyed. Don’t you think God might be just as upset to see how we treat an entire planet, let alone a house?

  • We must care for the rest of creation — We’re not God’s only creation on this planet. It’s filled with thousands of different species with millions of members. God created and loves them all, and when we disrespect the environment for our sake, we disregard the dignity of theirs.

  • We should fight to prevent suffering for future generations — In Matthew, Jesus expresses that the time for His return and for the end of things is known to no one but God. If taken literally, then the end might be tomorrow or it might be thousands of years from now.

    So, ask yourself, since it is unknown, is it worth the gamble to put off environmental concerns and leave behind a sick world for your children, grandchildren and their children after?

We should live as good stewards of our planet so that those coming after us can have a clean and healthy place to live. 

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