Centerpoint Church

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Examples of peacemakers in the Bible that should inspire all of us

“You’re blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That’s when you discover who you really are, and your place in God’s family.”

  • Matthew 5:9 (MSG)

Sounds nice, right? If you’re not familiar with Chapter 5 in the book of Matthew, you might be familiar with its given common name: the Sermon on the Mount.

During His famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus delivers a powerful message that essentially outlines what it means to be a moral and upright person in the eyes of God. In other translations of the Bible, this verse usually starts with “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”

Since being a peacemaker is such a great thing in the eyes of God, you may be wondering exactly what it means to be a peacemaker. To help you out, we’ve highlighted a few examples of peacemakers in the Bible:

Examples of peacemakers in the Bible

  • Jesus ⁠— Let’s start with the big and obvious one. Jesus is our ultimate example of what it means to be a peacemaker. The whole Bible is centered around this fact. Humans rebelled against God, and with His blood, Jesus paid the price to restore peace between a rebellious creation and their loving creator.

  • Joseph ⁠— When Joseph’s brothers were angry and jealous, he sought peace with them, not just for his sake but for their sakes as well.

  • Jonathan ⁠— The son of King Saul and friend of David, Jonathan sought to make peace between his jealous and angry father and the rising and talented David.

  • Paul ⁠— Paul is a great example of a peacemaker in the Bible because for much of his life, he wasn’t. He’s often a brash speaker in his letters and, prior to following Jesus, was a religious persecutor who witnessed and likely participated in the deaths of Christians. However, Jesus changed Paul’s life drastically.

    We see him embracing Jesus’ example of peace when he confronts Peter on his rejection of the Gentiles. We also see him humble himself to those who mock and hurt him instead of retaliating against them.

    If you don’t think you’re a peaceful person and have given up hope that you could become one, think of Paul and how you could follow his example and turn your life around.

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community strives to be peacemakers. We would love to join you on your journey as you grow in your faith and try to follow the example of peace. We hope to meet you at one of our three services on Sunday morning in Valrico, Florida.