Centerpoint Church

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Finding Jesus in the midst of fear and uncertainty

Every time you step outside of your comfort zone you are relying on God. That's a faith grower. You are stepping into the unknown, and there is only one place you can put your trust, and that's in Jesus.

We each come to hard points in our lives that we can’t make sense of. It could be a cancer diagnosis, a lost job, the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship… so many things can toss us into a state of confusion, fear and uncertainty.

It is in those moments that we can either choose to run from God or choose to trust God.

Don’t toss scripture at them

As Christians comfort should be about making the hurting comfortable, not ourselves. Often when we are placed in situations that make us uncomfortable, we can be known to throw scripture or sayings we think are scripture, but aren't, at others.

Here are a few examples:

God never gives you more than you can handle.

God helps those who help themselves.

Nope. Not in Scripture, but we sure do love tossing those around into the silence of pain when it becomes unbearable.

Job's friends did. When he was in full on grief, they started mouthing off their theology trying to make sense of his pain because they were uncomfortable. You know what happened, they heard from God. Not in the way they probably would have liked, but they heard.

God showed up and said to Job’s friends, “I am angry with have not spoken the truth about me.” (Job 42:7)

We need to be careful when we sit with others in their pain to not attempt to be the mouthpiece of God. Trust the Holy Spirit to work. Be present and ready when God nudges, but don’t force your way through the discomfort of silence.

Do what Jesus does

Don’t be like Job’s friends. Instead, try imitating Jesus. Show up and be present. Throughout Scripture Jesus shows up where people are hurting. It’s not comfortable. It’s culturally wrong. It’s inconvenient.

You and I weren't called to a life of comfort or convenience. We were created for a purpose. Some days that purpose is just to show up and be present in someone else's darkest moment. Some days that means to trust even when it feels impossible.

Be honest with God

If you are walking through fear and loss hold on tight to Jesus. He won’t leave you. Take what you are feeling to God. Be honest. Your situation, your pain is already known and seen.  

Are you willing to be honest and authentic? Are you willing to sit quietly and listen for God’s presence?