Centerpoint Church

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How can you balance your monthly financial needs with your desire to embrace monetary generosity?

Giving is a powerful and positive feeling. You get to help others in need, and you can see the direct result of your efforts.

And yet, how do you balance your monthly financial needs with your desire to embrace your generosity?

The answer is to build giving into your budget. Set aside a small amount each month specifically for giving so that it becomes part of your routine. Even $50 a month can add up to hundreds of dollars over a year. Plus, if you're married or have a partner, you can combine your funds and make an even more significant impact.

You get the added benefit of planning your giving ahead of time. This allows you to look beyond the headlines and research organizations that support causes that are important to you. The closer you feel to the cause itself, the greater chance that giving will become a habit for life.

  • Set boundaries for yourself — One of the most important keys to having a positive experience with your generosity is knowing what you can afford to do and what will cause you hardship. Don't let yourself feel pressured into giving more than you're comfortable with by friends or family.

  • Make sure your own needs come first — Sometimes, when we're trying to be generous, we forget our own needs in the process. If someone asks us for help paying their bills and we've got our bills going unpaid, that's not your generosity. That could be a guilt trip you’re taking upon yourself. Make sure paying your bills and meeting your own needs are top priorities at all times, even if it means saying no sometimes to requests for money from friends or family.

  • Donate your extra belongings — Money is not the only way to be generous. Instead of throwing stuff away, if it’s still in good condition, let it be someone else's blessing. It is better to give than to receive. Whether it's money, something new or something used, if it comes out of a right heart, you are pleasing to the Lord. He always rewards your generosity.

  • Volunteer your time — Volunteering can be an enriching experience. Not only does it help others, but it also helps to expand your horizons and meet new people. To help you get started with volunteering, here are three suggestions of places where you can volunteer.

  • Community service organizations — Centers, shelters and food pantries always need helping hands. These organizations often have plenty of volunteer opportunities, such as helping out with events, assisting with essential office duties or signing up to provide child care.

  • Nonprofit agencies — Nonprofits such as museums, art schools and theaters often rely on volunteers to help keep their doors open. The types of volunteer work available with nonprofits vary quite a bit depending on the organization and its needs. For example, a theater may need someone to sell tickets; a museum might need docents to serve as tour guides or help in the gift shop or mail room.

  • The local church — Local churches often offer a variety of programs that could use volunteers' help. For example, your local church may have an after-school program for children who need supervision or a youth group that could use some assistance with planning activities and organizing trips. Some churches may also have transportation programs for seniors who need rides.

  • Design your plan of giving — When you use some of these free ways to be generous, you can save up monetarily to give handsomely to your favorite church, your favorite organization or a family in need.

Find a way to make the most of what you have so that you can give more without sacrificing your financial stability. Ultimately, being conscious about how your money is spent is the only way to achieve a healthy balance between financial security and generosity. By relying on a well-thought-out budget, becoming aware of your spending habits and prioritizing your purchases, you can achieve this goal.

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. You can also find out what our community’s drive and passion are all about by checking out some of the past sermons we’ve posted on our website. 

Do you want to grow in your faith, or are you curious about who this Jesus guy is? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our podcast series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.