Centerpoint Church

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Trusting that God has a plan when it doesn’t seem like it

The political divide in our nation seems deeper than ever in our lifetimes. The COVID-19 pandemic has passed the one-year mark since the virus’s discovery. Wildfires seem bigger and more widespread than in the previous years. The climate is growing warmer and will have detrimental effects in the near future if left unaddressed.

OK, we’ll stop there before it gets too depressing. 

What’s the point of all of this? We want to illustrate that when the world may look bad and life is difficult, we can lose faith or trust in God. However, it’s moments like these when we need to remember the good and grow more in our faith and trust.

God has a plan, even when we don’t see it

“He set it all out before us in Christ, a long-range plan in which everything would be brought together and summed up in him, everything in deepest heaven, everything on planet earth.”

  • Ephesians 1:9-10 (MSG)

We need to remember that God has a plan to redeem all things and make everyone new. There is hope for all of us that all that we don’t understand will lead to the ultimate good conclusion of God’s plan. 

It helps to understand that even though times are hard right now, and it’s OK to feel that and be frustrated, it’s not the only time on earth people have felt overwhelmed. Humans are no strangers to wars, disease, famine or natural disaster. We have survived countless struggles and will continue to find a way in the future. 

However, God’s plan doesn’t stop with what we are able to do when times are hard. It's about what He does. He gives us strength, courage, patience and wisdom when we seek it. This helps us when the times are hard, but even more than that, He gives us the gift of eternal life in a good and peaceful heaven. 

We might not get to see the conclusion of God’s ultimate plan here on earth, but we can hope and have faith in His ultimate plan for us and all life as part of eternal redemption.

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. We are currently going through a new sermon series titled “Crazy Like Us.” It’s all about what we imagine Jesus would want to undo in today’s church to rebuild it to better fit His image and His teachings. 

Do you feel like the church has lost its way and could use some restructuring? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.