Centerpoint Church

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Patience and self-discipline directly impact our spiritual walk

Do you ever feel like there’s just not enough time? How in the world can you be a rockstar at your job, be a great family member, have thriving friendships, keep your home tidy … and have a solid spiritual walk? So how do you make it all work? It doesn’t seem possible.

Maybe the answer lies in a fancy app, or perhaps there’s another undiscovered option. Regardless, organizing your whole life is a challenge. Here are three tips to help you find some relief through patience and self-discipline so you can positively impact your spiritual walk:

  • Set your priorities. If you’re trying to figure out how everyone on social media seems to be able to do it all — know that they’re not. It’s impossible to be all things to all people while doing all the things. The best way to combat this is to evaluate everything you want to accomplish and triage your priorities, similarly to how you would assess an emergent situation. If you’re looking to grow in your spiritual walk, time with Jesus should be among your priorities. Once you’ve set your priorities, it’s easier to say no to things that won’t help you achieve those goals.

  • Give yourself grace. Plans change. Priorities get altered and life happens. When these situations arise, take it in stride. Understand that sometimes we have to reassess our priorities and that’s OK. Give yourself grace. If you miss a quiet time, Bible study, or attending church for a week or two, you’re not a bad person or Christian. Just get back on track as soon as possible to keep your spiritual walk strong.

  • Determine to be disciplined. While grace upon grace is a real thing, we should all strive to be disciplined in our walk with Jesus. It’s only through self-discipline and patience that we truly accomplish our goals. We should want to make spending time with Jesus a priority in our lives because that’s the best way to deepen our spiritual journey.

Patience and self-discipline will help you grow

We get it, sometimes it feels like all the patience and self discipline in the world won’t help you juggle all the things.You don’t have to be well versed in the Bible to know that the topics of patience and self-discipline are mentioned often. Many times, the passages go hand in hand. If you’re looking to grow in your relationship with Jesus and impact your spiritual walk: Practice patience and self-discipline and reap the rewards. Here are some tangible ways that practicing patience and self-discipline can impact your relationship with Jesus:

  • Self-discipline doesn’t equal self-reliance. We hear it all the time: “Surrender to Jesus and let Him control your life.” So to encourage self-discipline may seem counterproductive, but it’s really not. It takes a good amount of self-discipline and determination to accomplish goals. If you’ve set a goal to grow closer to Jesus, then it takes a lot of self-discipline to carve out time for your relationship. It takes discipline to make sure you’re studying the Bible, praying and worshipping.

  • Patience builds trust. Let’s bring this down to a toddler level. Imagine a 2-year-old (you know, the one going through the “terrible twos”). When that child has a meltdown and the parent screams and yells, the child dysregulates even more and the situation worsens. But, if the parent offers patience and support to the child, the situation eventually improves. Now, the child understands that the parent is safe. He trusts his mama. Now, take that scenario and apply it to your spouse, friend or co-worker. Sure, they’re driving you absolutely insane, but by offering patience you build trust. You set a good example for Christ. And, guess what, your relationship with Christ deepens because you’re exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit.

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. You can also find out what our community’s purpose and passion are all about by checking out some of the past sermons we’ve posted on our website.

Do you want to grow in your faith, or are you simply curious about who this Jesus guy is? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our podcast series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.