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Four important parts of a healthy dating relationship

Marriage is a goal for many young Christians. It's a gift from God in His design for us to be intimately connected with another person on a level that we don’t share with anyone else. While marriage is wonderful and we encourage people to pursue it, everyone needs to understand that marriage doesn’t come easily.

Dating takes hard work. Deciding who is right to spend your life with takes time. It requires honesty, both with yourself and your partner. Without any of this, you might rush into a marriage too quickly and blindly and end up with a lot of hills you need to climb together.

Having a healthy dating relationship doesn't mean there won’t be challenges in marriage. However, it can help you know each other better and learn how to face challenges together as you grow and change throughout life.

What plays into a healthy dating relationship

  1. Realistic expectations — Many of us are waiting for “the one.” We have a picture in our heads of the ideal partner. However, the truth is this ideal person doesn’t exist in reality. They are idols we build in our minds.

    We need to have realistic expectations and standards. If you meet someone who makes you happy and is good to you and you feel there might be a connection there, you might want to give it a chance. They might not be the picture-perfect person you had in your head, but they are a real, good person who needs room to grow and change as much as you do too.

  2. Friends — A healthy dating relationship is between two committed individuals. However, the two of you can’t go it alone. You should surround yourself with friends and community who can have positive impacts on your relationship. Your community should be honest with you and give advice and even rebuke you when you need it.

  3. Healing — Past relationships can leave scars that many of us don’t even know are there until we try seeing someone new. With the new intimacy and vulnerability, the scars start to rise to the surface and we find ourselves building walls to protect ourselves.

    If you have had a bad relationship in the past, you should be open with your partner about this and work on healing from it. This may mean you should visit a professional counselor for guidance and help, and your partner should be willing to support you through this journey, or you for them if they need it.

  4. Faith — Your faith and spirituality is a personal relationship between you and God, but it’s something you can also share on many levels with someone else. You and your partner can grow closer together and build a strong relationship as you pursue God together, pray together and worship together.

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. Do you want to grow in your faith, or are you simply curious about who this Jesus guy is? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.