Centerpoint Church

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Why you need to get out of the Christian bubble

Humans are tribalistic. Sure, we don’t live in a time of literal tribes anymore, but we do tend to group up with people who look or think like us and stay within those bounds for the most part, which is an awful lot like tribal behavior.

The reason we do this is because it feels safe and secure to be in a like-minded group. However, there are drawbacks to this behavior that affect ourselves as well as other people in the nation and even the world.

As Christians, we need to challenge ourselves to get out of our bubbles and avoid forming a tribe or a clique. 

It’s time to get out of the Christian bubble

  • Cliquing up is easy — Cliquing up is easy because of the security and familiarity. But, as Christians, we are called to do the hard thing and get out of our comfort zones and be with other people who need to hear about Jesus and witness Him:

    • “Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.”
      - Matthew 28:18-20 (MSG)

  • Fear keeps us rooted — We may come up with many excuses to stay away from other people, such as, “We don’t want them to influence us or lead us into temptation.” Ultimately, these types of excuses are rooted in fear or hatred. Your faith should be rooted enough in God to have no problem building friendships with different people without giving up on God.

See these types of statements for what they are. Excuses. They are excuses to stay away from people, do the easy thing, and hate or persecute anyone who is different. They are based in fear. The most common command in the Bible is to not be afraid, so let’s not be afraid of other people anymore.

  • There’s more out there — Getting out of our bubbles is not only good for the purpose of helping others see Jesus, but it is also good for ourselves. There are many wonderful, potential friendships to be had and communities to be built if only we tried.

    We get so caught up in doing the right thing or trying to make a perfect community by ourselves that we forget that we need other people to build what Jesus envisioned. A church isn’t a perfect, insulated place. It is a body of all sorts of people who are going on their own individual journeys in life.

    Let’s get out of our comfort zone and walk this journey with more people.

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. Do you want to grow in your faith, or are you simply curious about who this Jesus guy is? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.