Centerpoint Church

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How to read the Bible as one big story

Talk about taking on a tough subject, right? After all, who among us can claim that there is one correct way to read the Bible? Well, we wouldn't dare go so far as to presume that we have all the answers or could say what is the correct way to read the Bible. We think there is value in reading the Bible in different ways so we can glean new truths, thoughts and perspectives each time.

Often, people read the Bible as a series of separate books and letters telling different stories. There is value to this. However, for now, we’d like to take a look at how to read the Bible as one large story and what it may reveal to us when we do.

How to read the Bible as one story

As many of us are aware, the Bible as we know it was compiled by various councils throughout history, most notably the First Council of Nicaea. Because of this, many of us tend to look at the books as individuals who were chosen for a purpose. 

Well, the Bible is made up of individual books that were chosen for a purpose. But they still tell one great story!

There is a comprehensive theme from the first books of the Bible to the last of failure, redemption, salvation and hope. Each of the individual books of the Bible demonstrates the journey of these themes. For example, the book of Judges details these themes over and over as the Isrealites repeat a cycle of turning their backs on God, life getting worse because of it, turning back toward Him in hope, and finding some form of redemption or salvation.

We see it in the story of Jesus, as He teaches us how He has come to fulfill the law that we are unable to so that we may achieve redemption for our failures through Him. 

Time and time again, these themes are repeated throughout the Bible just as they are as one overarching story starting in Genesis and ending in Revelation. 

We encourage you to go through the Bible with this one-story perspective and see what each story reveals to you as part of the overarching story!

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. We are currently going through a new sermon series titled “To Hell With Normal.” It’s all about redefining what we consider normal in life as we seek to make our lives more like the way Jesus would have them to be. 

Do you want to grow in your faith or are you simply curious about who this Jesus guy is? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.