Centerpoint Church

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Three reasons your middle schooler needs youth group

Your middle schooler already has a packed schedule with school, extracurriculars, hobbies, friends… the list is never-ending. When you think of youth groups, the thought of driving to one more activity is daunting. We hear you! We get it. But one sec. Your middle schooler needs a youth group, and here are three reasons why.

To make space for hard questions

Velocity is a safe place for your middle school student to ask hard questions. Middle schoolers have big questions that deserve more than “just have faith” or “because the Bible says so.” Often, adults take the questions and doubts of teens and push them aside with trite answers or even silence. Their whys are left unanswered, stewing in their mind, building doubt that leads them to believe Christianity holds no depth.

Your middle schooler needs a place to explore his or her doubts. At Velocity, we come alongside the hard questions and teach the students to explore them further. We've created a safe place for teens to mature in their understanding of the Bible.

Students need a place to explore their faith in a world that doesn’t always make sense. Together, we are grieving the broken places of the world (inequality, war, racism, death, disease, hunger and more). Together, we are discovering what it means to love our neighbors while holding fast to Christ.

To be believed in

Church talks a lot about believing in God, but we’ve failed in the past to talk about belief in our youth. Your middle school student needs to know that the community values and believes in his or her dreams.

Our middle and high school students have the potential to be world changers. The future lies in their hands and we challenge them to seek out how God can use their talents for good. They are never too young to start living into their calling.

To be a part of the larger faith community

Age is not a requirement to be a part of the faith community. Youth group is a place where middle schoolers can explore how they can contribute to the larger church. It is a launching point for a faith that sticks well into adulthood.

By exploring their gifts in Velocity, students are led to become actively involved in the life of the church. They have opportunities to serve in the youth group and in the life of the church. We want them to see that this isn’t just their parents’ church, it’s theirs too.

Drop your teens off with us. We promise to take good care of them!

Velocity meets ON Wednesday nights at 6:30 P.M.

Additionally, Velocity hosts a variety of special events throughout the year.