Centerpoint Church

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What Does It Mean To Be An Alternative Church in Tampa?

At Centerpoint Church, we like to say we’re “an alternative to church as usual,” but what does that mean for the Tampa, Florida, area?

No matter what you think of faith...

It means that whether you are a long-time follower of Jesus or you’re only curious about this Jesus thing, you are welcome. Those who have spent their lives familiar with the Bible will learn to dig deeper. Those who are curious how this ancient book has stuck around for so long are encouraged to put its relevance to the test.

For those who follow Jesus, “alternative to church as usual” means we want to help you grow in your relationship. For those investigating the claims of Jesus, being an alternative church in Tampa means you belong before you ever believe.

...this is a safe place...

Your religious upbringing, political leanings, social status, and sexual orientation matter to other churches. But not here. Not at Centerpoint. You are welcome to our community regardless. This isn't a country club. This is real people doing real life together.

Centerpoint strives to be the safest place in the world for anybody struggling with anything. We welcome every person from every background imaginable. We wrestle with the questions people are asking. Being an alternative church means we believe in breaking down barriers. There is no addiction, no dysfunction, no habit, no sin that keeps people on the outside of pursuing Christ. Everyone is welcome.

...creating authentic community…

We are not perfect. But Jesus is. Grace is at the heartbeat of everything we do.

We will make mistakes along the way. There is no avoiding that. But, we will offer each other love and grace as we serve one another and do life together. Accountability, belonging, care and spiritual growth happen best with connected believers. Relationships matter. We are intentionally building them through community groups and strategic service. relevant environments…

We are a group of people who dream and pray big. Christ's love is unending. It can never run out.

We meet people where they are. It is our goal to provide services that target the needs of everyday modern life in the Tampa area. permission to ask hard questions.

Part of being an alternative church in Tampa means giving those we serve permission to ask hard questions. The American Church is at a pivotal crossroads. Traditional churches are dying, stuck in a past of segregation and ritual that relies on a “because I said so” mentality. We’re flipping that on its head and encouraging everyone who graces our doors to dig deeper.

Test out this faith thing and see for yourself if the Bible and Jesus are relevant to your life today. Visit us this Sunday or catch a previous service online.