Centerpoint Church

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What is true biblical fellowship?

True biblical fellowship forms a deep trust in one another, a community of people who can lean on one another for support and who come together to share in the things of God. 

What are the things of God? 

  • Prayer - In Philippians 1:3-4, prayer is highlighted as a part of christian fellowship. Paul tells the Philippians that every time he thinks of them, his joy at their memory leads into prayer. Paul is giving us an example here of what it looks like to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and to be devoted to prayer (Romans 12:12). To be in true biblical fellowship with one another means that we should be lifting one another up regularly in prayer.

  • Service - Keep reading Philippians 1: 5-7 and you’ll discover that true biblical fellowship also means we do the work together. Paul didn’t just show up and preach and the Philippians didn’t just sit back and listen. They went out and worked, serving others together. Church isn’t about showing up for service time and getting home for supper. We gather so that we can scatter. In other words, we come together to learn about God so that we can then go out and serve the larger community in the ways God has instructed us to do so.

  • Trust - Trust is vital for fellowship. We come together around a common trust in God, knowing that “God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish” (Philippians 1:6, MSG). It’s why we lift one another up in prayer and commit to service alongside one another. There is a larger purpose that binds us together.

  • Grace - In verse 7, Paul describes the Philippians as “partakers of grace.” We all come to God on equal terms: forgiven. God’s grace humbles us all and puts us on an equal playing field. True biblical fellowship holds us all as equals, all as made in the image of God, all worthy of love and all responsible for giving that love to one another. 

Steven J. Cole, former pastor of Flagstaff Christian Fellowship, elaborates further on each of these four things of God. His sermon and notes can be found at

True biblical fellowship flows from the things of God

When we allow prayer, service, trust and grace to guide our times together we will form deeper connections. The last thing we want is for anyone to enter through our doors and say, “I don’t fit in here, I don’t fit in anywhere.” When we come together in true fellowship we create spaces that are welcoming to all. 

At Centerpoint, we are breaking down every barrier that keeps people from the love of God. We don’t shy away from the hard questions. No matter where you are in your faith journey, you are welcome to join us!