Centerpoint Church

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Success starts in your head

On average, a person speaks about 7,000 words per day. However, the amount of internal dialogue never spoken out loud is staggering in comparison. Research shows that our internal words often fire off at a pace of 4,000 words per minute, which is roughly 10 times faster than verbal dialogue. So, if you speak 7,000 words per day, you may actually be thinking closer to 70,000 words per day.

How many of those words are uplifting? How many are filled with self-doubt? How many are nonsensical?

The words in our head are responsible for how we view the world and interact with others. They can set us up for success or failure. They can dictate our levels of happiness and peace. In fact, studies show that what we say to ourselves has a direct correlation to how we perceive the world. And since perception is reality, what we say to ourselves has the power to change our realities.

Getting right in the head

Since our internal words impact how we see and act in life, then why don’t we take our mental health as seriously as we take our physical health? If we rely solely on our feet to get us from point A to point B, wouldn’t we see a doctor for help if our feet get injured?

Why do we allow ourselves to think with a limp?

Somehow, we’ve come to the conclusion that thinking this way is a norm. We live in an age where more than 40 million adults in America have anxiety. So, we think it’s normal to be anxious because everyone knows someone who has anxiety. These thoughts must be normal, right?

But what if everyone started walking with a limp? We wouldn’t think that was normal, because we know what it’s like to walk with fully functioning feet. But, we’ve forgotten what it’s like to think with a fully functioning mind. Maybe we think that anxiety is synonymous with responsibility and adulthood -- and, in some cases, this may be true. But, how many times does that anxiety creep up when you don’t want it to? And how many times does it dictate how you respond to situations or people? Or worse, how many times does it dictate how you respond to yourself?

At some point, you have to say that enough is enough. Get help in retraining your thoughts so anxiety doesn’t control you. See a licensed therapist, surround yourself with people who can speak truth to you -- you owe it to yourself to stop thinking with a limp.