Why you shouldn’t feel ashamed or guilty if you’re dealing with depression
Shame and guilt will keep you from reaching out for help. Stigmas paralyze. But your depression is not your fault, is nothing to be ashamed of, and is treatable. There is hope.
Know that you are not alone. There are others who are also struggling. Finding a safe place to speak out about your depression will expose you to others walking through the same journey.
The Bible is not void of those who suffered from depression and mental health issues. While Scripture doesn’t use the word “depression,” it does describe strong men of faith (such as David, Moses, Elijah, Jonah and even Jesus) as being downcast, anguished, despairing and more. Read 7 Bible Figures Who Struggled With Depression.
You, my friend, are in good company. According to Healthline, 16 million people in the U.S. had at least one major depressive episode in 2015. It is a medical condition that requires attention. You wouldn’t expect a broken leg to heal itself. There is no shame in catching a cold and requiring antibiotics for treatment, so why the shame for admitting depression?
The short answer is because we aren’t talking about it enough.
The church needs to be a safe place where you do not feel stigmatized or ashamed to come forward with your struggles. At Centerpoint, we are working hard to make this a reality.
Our church family has personally felt the effects of mental illness and depression. As a church we must do everything we can to help alleviate the pain of mental illness that affects so many lives in our community. And it begins with a conversation.
If you would like to set up an appointment with one of our counselors, call us at 813-689-1906. Also, take a look at our latest sermon series: Shattered and Rejected. Know that you are not alone. We would be honored to walk beside you during this time.