Centerpoint Church

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Relying on Prayer: Unlock the Power of a Faithful Conversation

"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective" (James 5:16, NASB)

Just as our spoken words can influence those around us, our prayers hold the potential to transform our lives and circumstances. James 5:16 tells us that prayer is powerful, yet,  how often do we turn to prayer as our last resort rather than our first response? When faced with difficult circumstances, bad decisions, or even moments of joy, our immediate reaction should be to pray. 

How would your life look different if prayer was your first response in every situation?

Simplifying Prayer: A Conversation with God

What do you normally pray about? Who do you run to first when faced with a tough decision? Is it God? 

Many people feel overwhelmed by the idea of prayer, believing it to be complicated or requiring special words. Prayer is much simpler than that. God desires a relationship with you. Prayer is simply a conversation with God that is helping to build and strengthen that relationship. 

When you don’t know what words to say it is as simple as asking God for those words. 

As Christians, we have been empowered by the Holy Spirit and should pray with the same authority and faith as the believers in Acts. They let go of fear and leaned into the power of prayer, asking God to help them speak His word with great boldness. They prayed for God’s enablement and empowerment in the midst of circumstances they couldn’t understand. 

Praying with Boldness and Authority

What you pray about reveals your priorities and how you pray indicates your availability to the power of the Holy Spirit in your life. When you pray, be honest. Submit yourself under God’s authority and trust Him, believing that He is a good God. Pray the words, “God, Your will be done.” It might feel like you are giving up too much, but the reality is that when you live under your own authority, you are limited by your own power. When you surrender yourself under God's authority, you place yourself under His unlimited power. 

“A declaration of dependence is an acquisition of strength.”  -Bryant Golden, from Holy Ghost Stories

Are your prayers too safe? Are you relying on the power and authority of God, or are you still trying to maintain control? Praying boldly means trusting in God's ability to do far more than we could ever ask or imagine. Ephesians 3:20 (NASB) reminds us: "Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us."

Making Prayer Your First Response

Imagine the difference it would make if, in every difficult circumstance, every tough decision, and every joyous moment, our first response was to pray. When we pray, we invite God's wisdom, guidance, and power into our lives. We acknowledge our dependence on Him and open ourselves up to His direction.

Consider this: When faced with a major decision at work, do you first consult colleagues, friends, or mentors, or do you bring the decision to God in prayer? When experiencing personal struggles, do you rely solely on your own strength, or do you seek God's comfort and guidance through prayer?

Embracing a Life of Prayer

Living a life of prayer means to continually speak with God throughout our day. It means bringing every concern, every joy, every decision, and every struggle to Him. It means praying with boldness, trusting in His power, and submitting to His will. 

1. Start with Small Steps: Begin by setting aside a few moments each day to pray.  Then, find small moments throughout the day to speak with Him as well. As people, circumstances, or concerns come to mind immediately take them to God in prayer..

2. Be Honest and Open: Share your true feelings, fears, hopes, and doubts with God. He knows your heart and wants you to come to Him just as you are.

3. Incorporate Scripture: Use verses from the Bible in your prayers to remind yourself of God's promises and to align your prayers with His word.

4. Pray with Others: Spend time in prayer with your family before a meal, over coffee, or on a phone call. Join a prayer group or find a prayer partner. Praying with others can strengthen your faith and provide support.

5. Listen: Prayer is a two-way conversation. Take time to listen for God's voice and direction in your life. Learning to be still and wait for God’s direction is an important part of prayer.

Just as our words hold incredible power, so too does our prayer life. By relying more fully on prayer and making it our first response in all situations, we open ourselves to God's unlimited power and grace. Prayer is not just a religious ritual; it is a dynamic, transformative conversation with the Creator of the universe who loves us deeply and desires to guide our lives.

At Centerpoint, we know that you weren’t designed to do this alone, and we invite you to be part of our vibrant and diverse community in Valrico, Florida, part of the greater Tampa Bay area. Preview one of our services, streaming live at 11am EST every Sunday, or simply join us on a Sunday morning