Why on earth do Christians expect non-Christians to behave like them?

Ever heard your father or someone else you know get mad about sex in movies or the use of “the G-D” word in movies or television? There is this sense of anger or offense on the behalf of God against things that are perceived to be an insult to Him. However, if these types of programs are made by people who may not share the same faith, then why should anyone expect them to behave otherwise?

This seems to be a big problem with Christians across the board. It plays a direct role in politics, with some of the most controversial decisions boiling down to what a Christian majority feels best reflects their faith. 

These expectations unsurprisingly anger people and drive them away from church and from knowing Jesus. It’s time for us to stop expecting non-Christians to act like Christians — which we don’t even all agree on what that even means — and start meeting people where they are.

Someone who is not a Christian will behave like they are not a Christian

You remember how Jesus said He came to spend time with people who needed Him, not those who are already faithful? It’s still like that today. There are plenty of people who do not know Jesus and need Him, and these are the people we should be trying to build bridges with, not focusing insularly in our own Christian communities.

People who are not Christians will probably not act like Christians. They say and believe things that may directly contradict your faith or you may even believe are offensive to God. Don’t worry about that. 

First, God can handle His own offenses. Remember the whole salvation thing Jesus did? Yeah, it’s all good.

And secondly, we need to be able to have our own resolve in our faith to not feel angry or offended when someone doesn’t believe what we do or has a contradictory idea of creation, faith or hope. We can look at these points as opportunities to start dialogues, to build bridges and form connections. We might not even ever “convert” another person to our faith, but we can build healthy relationships with them that make our environments better places that foster healthier discourse and have room for faith to expand and grow.

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. Do you want to grow in your faith, or are you simply curious about who this Jesus guy is? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.


Why do so many Christians believe God doesn’t care about our happiness?


What does it mean to judge someone else?