Here at Centerpoint, our community matters.
We are a church For the city, on a mission to amplify the name of Jesus and to lead people to experience the love and grace He offers.
This is how we serve our community:
Fourth Sunday for the City.
The local church is often labeled for what they are against, whether it is true or not. At Centerpoint, we want to be known by what we are for. And we are For the City. Each month, we work with one of our community partner organizations to help them do better what they already do well.
Every 4th Sunday, we ask our gathering to bring in a specific item for that organization and to give $4 to go towards the partner’s ministry. From filling the shelves at a local food bank, collecting baby clothing for women facing an unplanned pregnancy, or collecting gift cards to benefit foster families, our Centerpoint family rallies together to show love to our city in a variety of tangible ways.
Annual for the City generosity Campaign.
Each fall, we spend 3 weeks focused outwardly on our community, challenging our congregation to Give, Serve, and Love their city well. With a goal of 100% participation, we raise a large sum of money that will directly benefit the greater Tampa Bay Area.
Each year, we are amazed to see what our partners are able to achieve in our community through the generosity of our Centerpoint family. Whether it is much-needed renovations and facility upgrades, funding initiatives like mobile clinics or emergency housing, providing hurricane relief in hard-hit areas, supporting the purchase of essential supplies, or filling the shelves of our local food pantries, the hundreds of thousands of dollars that have been donated to community partners through our annual generosity campaigns are making a difference.
Our Community Partners
A Door of Hope
Their goal is to help children in crisis by providing a Christian home for every child in foster care.
Pregnancy care centers that provide support and resources to empower women and their partners to choose life.
Assists families in the Brandon area with emergency food and clothing and offers access to life-stabilizing programs and resources.
Gift of Hope
This seasonal community partner shows up for families in need during the holidays. Each family selects presents for their child(ren), is provided basic goods and groceries, and receives prayer from pastors and volunteers.
Family Promise
The goal of Family Promise is to partner with homeless families to help them regain their independence and find permanent housing.
Hope for Her
Hope for Her is a safe place where women experiencing crisis and trauma find the strength, skills and support they need to rebuild their best lives.
Our Mission Partner
Lighthouse ministries
Lighthouse is a resource for life-restoration. Their many Christ-centered programs work to meet the physical, emotional, and other needs of the poor and at-risk population.
Serve as a Community Partner Liaison.
Liaisons work to coordinate the efforts between individual partners and Centerpoint Church. As a liaison, you will stay up-to-date with the partner's upcoming events and needs and inform Centerpoint of potential opportunities to serve.
If you are interested in helping us make a difference in our community, fill out the form below and we will be in touch.