Does God answer prayers?

When most people ask if God answers prayers, it’s because they can’t see God working. Do you see yourself in this scenario: You grew up going to church with your parents, and you prayed and prayed as a kid that you’d experience a God-encounter. But, you didn’t. So, you walked away from the church and away from Jesus, because who wants to follow a God that doesn’t respond?

As a kid, you may not have had the maturity — both spiritually or emotionally — to comprehend God’s answer to your prayer. So, now as an adult, you’re asking: Does God answer prayers? The short answer is yes, God answers prayers. But an answer isn’t always a yes or a no. Sometimes, it’s a “wait” and those are the hardest answers to comprehend.

How does God answer prayers?

Let’s go back to that scenario you had as a kid. You prayed and asked God for something — maybe it was something you wanted, such as a toy. Or, perhaps, it was a big ask along the lines of pleading with God for your parents to not get divorced or to heal a loved one. And, maybe you’re not even a kid, but an adult. God answers prayers in three ways:

  • He answers yes. This answer is easy to accept. God answers yes when our prayers, desires and needs are in alignment with His will for our life. How do you know if your prayers are God’s will? By spending time reading Scripture and studying God’s Word and cultivating your relationship with Him.

  • He answers no. Sometimes a no doesn’t hurt so much. But, other times, it’s really hard to hear. How can God not save my dying mom or loved one? How is that not His will? Those are tough questions that we may not know the answer to until we reach heaven.

  • He says, “Not right now.” Other times, God’s answer is to wait and be still. And, sometimes, this is the hardest answer of all.

Is there a right way to pray?

When it comes to prayer, there are a lot of philosophies flying around; some of them are spot on and others make you scratch your head in disbelief. So, what’s true? The Bible actually gives a pretty clear guideline to follow when it comes to prayer. Here’s how the Bible says we should pray:

  • Pray with your whole heart. Whether you’re praying Scripture, a guided prayer, repeating someone else’s words or on your own, make sure you’re praying from your heart. Prayer is like having a conversation — if you’re just checking it off your list, you’re not really praying. Mean what you say.

  • Feel your feelings. It’s OK to express your big feelings to God. He can take it. If you’re angry or upset, express it. If you’re joyful and thankful, let Him know. That’s how we grow our relationship with Jesus. The Bible reminds us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Phillippians 4:6 ESV).

  • Confess your sins. A big part of prayer is humbling yourself before God. This includes confessing your sins and asking for forgiveness. “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (James 5:16 ESV).

  • Pray with faith. When you pray, believe that God will move. God answers our prayers, but not always in the way we hope or expect. When you pray, God will respond. You just have to be ready to hear His answer.

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. And every journey needs a Starting Point.

Starting Point groups are in-person, stress-free and judgment-free groups that meet periodically at Centerpoint Church. Here, you can spend some time getting to know fellow group members, reading and having an open conversation about topics like God, the Scriptures, faith, and Jesus. Completely new to the teachings of Jesus? Returning to church after a long break? Questioning the teachings you were brought up with or just unsure what you believe? Our Starting Point groups are here to help you navigate your faith journey. Get in touch with us to learn when the next Starting Point group is meeting or to join a Starting Point group.


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