We don’t want you to fake it either

At some time or another, we all feel as though we don’t fit in anywhere. I believe it begins in the school lunchroom. We learn early on to put on masks to fit in. We fake it till we make it, dress to impress and stay up to date on the latest news so we’ll have talking points to pull from. But inside, we don’t feel real and we wonder how obvious our flaws are.

From the moment you pull into the parking lot at Centerpoint, we want you to leave all of that behind you. It’s time to stop caring what others think. You are welcome with us exactly as you are. We aren’t here to fix your flaws. We’ve each got enough of our own to work through. In fact, what we see when we look at you is someone made in the image of God. A perfect creation who is on a journey just like we are. We want to join you on this journey of discovering who God is and what it means to authentically follow this man called Jesus. 

Fake gets us nowhere. No two people are exactly alike and we kind of like it that way. Life would be dull if we all fit the same mold. At Centerpoint, we are all about breaking the molds, being authentic and living life to the fullest.

If you catch yourself saying, “I don’t fit in anywhere” then we’d like to encourage you to give us a try. We’re confident that you’ll find a place where you belong with us. God doesn’t have prerequisites for us to come to Him, and we don’t have any for you. So come. Join us. You belong here.

At Centerpoint, we are breaking down every barrier that keeps people from the love of God. We don’t shy away from the hard questions. No matter where you are in your faith journey, you are welcome to join us!


What is true biblical fellowship?


Have you found joy in life?