How to show God’s love to others

There is one simple answer on how to show God’s love to others and it is this: SHOW UP. Show up in the moments that are uncomfortable. Cry on the couch with a friend. Make a hospital room visit. Listen to the issues that others find important that you don’t understand. Attend the marches. Pass out free hugs at the PRIDE parades. Serve food at the homeless shelter. Open your table and your home to the stranger. Feed the hungry and care for the sick. Go to the prisons and get to know the men and women there. Hire the ex-convict. Visit nursing homes and donate toys to foster families. Become a foster parent. Let someone cut in line. Pay for the meal of a stranger and learn the names of the people you interact with. Hold the door and give up your seat.

There are a million little ways to spread God’s love to others. 

In Matthew 25:31-46. we are given a vivid picture of a King separating his followers. A clear picture is painted in these verses that what is done for other humans is also done for Christ. 

“I was hungry and you fed me,

I was thirsty and you gave me a drink

I was homeless and you gave me a room,

I was shivering and you gave me clothes,

I was sick and you stopped to visit, 

I was in prison and you came to me.” (v 36, MSG) 

Father Richard Rohr describes this phenomenon, that Christ is everywhere and in everyone, as the Christ Mystery. Imagine for a moment walking through the world and seeing Christ in every individual you encountered, even the one in the mirror. How would that change your interactions? 

Showing God’s love to others comes naturally when we begin to realize how powerful the Christ Mystery is. Christ is everywhere. His imprint is in the soul of every human. You and I were made in the image of God. That is powerful! But it doesn’t stop there. Everyone else was also made in that same image and deserves the respect, love and care that you would also give to God. 


How to be a good neighbor


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