How you can help Afghan refugees in the U.S. in 6 simple ways

There are many reasons why you should help refugees in the United States. Yes, some people come from other countries to the U.S. for not necessarily legal reasons. Nevertheless, they are still human beings with experiences, feelings and emotional states. 

How to help Afghan refugees in the U.S.? There are a variety of ways to assist immigrants in the U.S. Refugees can be supported in many ways when they first arrive in the U.S., such as donating food and money or volunteering at a nonprofit organization that helps them assimilate into American culture.

To understand how to help Afghan refugees in the U.S., we need to get rid of fear. Having a fear of terrorists coming into America under the guise of refugees has some validity. However, evidence is abundant that most of these refugees want to live in peace, much like any other American. 

While an Afghan family may use any legal avenue to reach the United States, all Afghans should be welcomed and supported as they resettle and begin new lives here in the U.S.

Here's how to help Afghan refugees in the U.S.

1. Donate resources

Helping Afghan refugees in the U.S. can be as simple as donating money for food, shelter, employment services, support for victims of gender-based violence and other essentials. The gift you make is to help provide such essential needs.

2. Become an advocate 

The Afghan Adjustment Act would enable Afghan evacuees to apply for permanent residency. If you feel strongly about passing this legislation, you can become an advocate for it and encourage your representatives to pass this legislation. 

Don't hesitate to contact your congressional representatives and urge them to expand Afghan resettling programs right away. 

3. Volunteer to help refugees find a home

A significant need at the moment is  housing for Afghan families who have just arrived, so there are many opportunities for people to volunteer to help refugees find a place to stay.

There are many affiliate groups in the U.S. who are working on just that, including pages about volunteering to help Afghanistan refugees.

For instance, HIAS partners with Airbnb to help provide temporary housing to refugees,including those from Afghanistan. By connecting them with community members who have available space, groups can coordinate and advocate on Afghan refugees' behalf more than individuals can on their own.

4. Begin to speak up

President Biden has raised the refugee resettlement threshold, but many migrants fleeing violence and persecution have been denied entry. Even during a pandemic, it is legal to seek asylum. Many people feel that this right shouldn't be abused or criminalized. That’s why people should consider encouraging Congress and President Biden to uphold the freedom of all asylum seekers.

5. Tell the story of a refugee

We can all find some way to relate to the lives of refugees and asylum seekers. They are fathers and mothers, sons and daughters. When we can tell their stories on that level, we humanize them and place ourselves in their shoes.

In life, we have all times of feeling displaced. Some of us have had our everyday life stripped away from us, and have needed a helping hand. This should move us to being the hands and feet of Jesus to the refugees.

6. Give your time

As a volunteer, you can support refugees in several ways. If you are an English teacher, you can tutor them in reading and writing. You can also donate time or services to nonprofits in your area that work with refugees. World Relief is one such organization working to provide refugee assistance in the United States. It has a volunteer matching tool to find an opportunity that works for you.

The U.S. has a long history of welcoming refugees from all over the world. Including those displaced in the past year after fleeing their homes to escape persecution and violence. Americans can show millions of people that they are not alone by going out into the community and helping a few who have lost everything. A single person can make a difference, spread that hope to others and inspire others to do good charitable works, too.

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. You can also find out what our community’s purpose and passion are all about by checking out some of the past sermons we’ve posted on our website. 

Do you want to grow in your faith, or are you simply curious about who this Jesus guy is? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our podcast series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.


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