How to start rearranging your life when you feel outpaced

Many people in the United States feel like their lives are stressful and overwhelming. Part of this has to do with how hard we work in school or at our jobs. However, it’s more than that. It’s how we find our value in ourselves in the way we push ourselves both in and out of work or school.

Think about it. Do you spend a lot of time on social media cultivating your appearance to others? Do you binge a Netflix series simply to be “in the know” and not because you’re actually enjoying it? Do you say yes to a lot of requests because you want to please others? 

It’s no wonder that we often feel tired and overstretched. We’ve outpaced ourselves and have pushed ourselves beyond our capacities. For many of us, this is what we consider a normal life. 

It’s time to change what we consider normal.

Rearranging your life when you feel outpaced

If you’re starting to feel overwhelmed and outpaced, it’s time to consider rearranging your life to give yourself more time to feel rested and restored:

  • Say no to technology — Stop using social media to compare yourselves to others or cultivate your image.

  • Say no to obligations — Is someone asking you to hang out, but you need to rest or take some personal time? Don’t be afraid to say no and try to connect another time.

  • Say yes to your family — Make more time in your schedule to enjoy time with your family.

We all need to feel OK taking these moments to enrich our personal lives without feeling selfish or feeling like we’re failing to meet expectations. 

Remember, Jesus has told us that we’re enough because He says we’re enough. We don’t need to prove ourselves to ourselves or anyone else. We’re good enough, and we need to live like it.

It’s OK to push yourself to be better at work or succeed in life, but don’t measure your value and success this way. Give yourself a break and remember that God already values you.

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. We are currently going through a new sermon series titled “To Hell With Normal.” It’s all about redefining what we consider normal in life as we seek to make our lives more like the way Jesus would have them to be. 

Do you want to grow in your faith or are you simply curious about who this Jesus guy is? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.


Setting boundaries in difficult family relationships


It’s time to stop measuring your value by what you do