Three reasons you may feel like you don't belong

At Centerpoint Church, we believe that people are made by a relational God to be relational creatures. Even if you don’t share our faith, it doesn’t take much observance to look around at the local and national communities around you to see that we are creatures of community. So, why is it that some of us feel like we don’t belong?

Feeling like you don’t belong can have a negative impact on your mental health. It can affect your happiness, sense of self-worth, your motivation and even your physical health. If you feel like you don’t belong, you should take a look at the following three potential reasons why to see if any of them make sense for you, so you can use the information to turn things around and find a sense of belonging.

1. You don’t express yourself

Failure to express yourself can lead to a feeling of distance or a gap between you and those you know and love. People fail to express themselves for different reasons. Some are afraid to be vulnerable due to some past harm related to vulnerability. Others are afraid that others will think they’re weird or too different to like.

The truth is, everyone is different but we all have more in common than we realize. What makes you different shouldn’t put you in a position of fear or ignorance. It should be something special that’s part of you that others can see and appreciate if you’re willing to express yourself. 

2. You’re growing

Sometimes, it seems like it would be nice to have a clear outline of what to expect from life at its different stages. However, this isn’t how life works. Frankly, we’re glad there isn’t an outline because that would make life too boring and predictable. But, still, it can be hard to know when you’re in a period of change until after the change has happened.

When you’re in a period of change — when you’re growing — you may feel different and have a sense of alienation. If you feel like you don’t belong, try to meditate on the reasons why and see if it’s related to personal growth or a shift in your worldview. If so, you should make some changes to help you feel more in place at your new stage of life.

3. You haven’t found a welcoming community

Have you recently moved? Have you just started college? Are you in the same location but still feel out of place? Maybe the problem is you just haven’t found a welcoming community. It’s true that no one is more responsible for our feelings than ourselves, but not having a welcoming community does weigh significantly on your sense of belonging. 

If you’re somewhere as a new person or where you’ve felt isolated for a while, it’s time to find people who are welcoming and happy to have you around.

Centerpoint Church in Florida is a community where everyone belongs

If you feel like you don’t belong anywhere, know that this can never be true. That’s because at Centerpoint Church, everyone can find a sense of belonging. Our community aims to love one another as Christ loves us. If you’re looking for a welcoming community, we’d love to meet you!


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