Five simple tips for how to find your purpose and passion in life

Many people feel trapped in their position in life and unable to find purpose or passion. However, we believe that everybody has a purpose and that they can find something they’re passionate about to pursue in life.

If you’re wondering how to find your purpose and passion in life, check out these five tips below:

1. Pray

We believe the Holy Spirit is present and has wisdom and guidance to offer each of us. Too often, we don’t take advantage of praying to the Lord and listening to the Holy Spirit.

You might think finding your true purpose and passion in life is purely personal, but God is just as interested in your purpose as you are. Practice praying to Him; you might be surprised to receive a revelation in turn.

2. Read God’s Word

The Bible is a treasure trove of stories, history and wisdom. It has a lot to offer in terms of what could inspire you toward discovering a purpose or passion in life. 

3. Meditate

Meditating is an activity that many modern Western Christians miss out on. We’re not talking about sitting and chanting mantras (though some believe this is helpful); we’re talking about sitting and being quiet and reflecting. Practice controlled breathing while meditating to help clear your mind of jumbled thoughts and to reach a spot where you can genuinely reflect on who you are and what you want.

4. Talk to people you trust

You’re not alone in this world, so you shouldn’t have to be alone when it comes to discovering your purpose and passion. Talk to the people who know you best and ask them what they think you should pursue or try. Ask them where they see your talents are and where they think you can grow.

5. Experiment

Try new things. Pursue an activity you’ve always thought looked interesting but never tried. Take a class. Visit a new place. By experimenting, you open yourself up to countless new opportunities to discover something you love that you want to pursue. 

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. We hope to meet you at one of our three services on Sunday morning in Valrico, Florida.


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