Put an end to Christian political division

In the United States, it seems like it has become more important to Christians to be known as a conservative or liberal than it is to be known as a follower of Christ. There are a lot of issues the country is divided on, and each side has a clear stance on most of them. It’s important for us that others know where we stand.

The result is a division that affects not just the nation, but those who call themselves Christians, which is supposed to be a group of unified people of various backgrounds. Not a conformed, exclusive social club that picks sides. 

Resisting petty politics

Politics on either side of the aisle in the United States are polarizing. Republicans and Democrats constantly attack one another’s character, beliefs and values. Their modus operandi seems more like to be about making the other side look worse rather than making their side better. 

Politicians frequently demonize each other, leading to average citizens doing the same with their neighbors who vote differently. We end up focusing so much on what makes us different instead of seeing how much we have in common.

For Christians, we need to start by remembering that people on the other side of the aisle are children of God just as we are. We need to remember that the church is supposed to be a solid rock in the middle of this division, not an integral part of the division itself. 

We can accept that we do not need to agree with everything our neighbor says, but we can work on loving them and respecting them. We can work on finding the common ground and working from there, rather than focusing on our differences, pushing each other apart and trying to keep the others from having a voice at all. 

The early Christian church under the Roman Empire was made up of a variety of people from all sorts of backgrounds. And, as a quick look at Paul’s letters in the New Testament will show you, they didn’t always get along or see eye to eye, but they worked through their differences because advancing the Gospel was their ultimate priority. 

What would happen if Christians in America did the same today?

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. We are currently going through a new sermon series titled “Crazy Like Us.” It’s all about what we imagine Jesus would want to undo in today’s church to rebuild it to better fit His image and His teachings. 

Do you feel like the church has lost its way and could use some restructuring? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.


Putting humility first: How to be a more humble Christian


If you call yourself a Christian, it’s time to start being one online