Learning to embrace uncertainty is a a key part of your faith

It often seems that human beings are looking for answers to everything, and this trait has led to many good things, it’s true. 

Yet this search for answers has also caused many Christians to forget one important fact: It’s not about what we understand; it’s about what God chooses to reveal. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t seek to understand anything about our faith or the world around us. It does mean that we need to be comfortable embracing uncertainty. 

Why should we seek to embrace uncertainty?

1. Answers foster belief; embracing uncertainty fosters faith — There is a common trend among modern Christians of confusing belief with faith; however, they are completely different ideas. Belief is an acknowledgment of facts that each person judges to be true.

On the other hand, having faith means we put something outside of ourselves that is beyond understanding. Allowing ourselves to accept ambiguity helps us build our faith and bring us closer to God. 

2. It allows us to acknowledge the mystery of God — One of the least used phrases on social media and in modern life in general is, “I don’t know.” Using this phrase in relation to God shows that we have humility before a being that is ultimately unknowable.

Yet, clinging to answers diminishes God into an idea that we can understand completely. Accepting the ambiguities that exist in relation to God and Christianity helps restore our humility before God and acknowledge His mystery. 

3. It helps us acknowledge the importance of searching — There is a reason that searching for and finding don’t mean the same thing. However, we’re often concerned far more with finding than with truly searching. We’ve even been conditioned to expect that we can find anything we want almost instantly thanks to the internet and other normal facets of modern life.

Many Christians tend to try to apply these life skills to their relationship with God, and doing so often leads to frustration and even dissolution. The reason is that a true relationship with God isn’t about definite answers. It’s about constantly seeking for a greater understanding, while realizing that God can’t truly be understood. In short, a relationship with God is about the search. 

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey and help you embrace uncertainty

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. We understand how it feels to struggle to find a place to belong, which is why we strive to welcome people of all types and backgrounds into our community. 

Do you want to grow in your faith, or are you simply curious about who this Jesus guy is? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.


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