Centerpoint Church

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For the love of money is the root of all evil

Have you heard the saying “For the love of money is the root of all evil”? It is from the Bible, found in 1 Timothy 6:10. But when we take one verse and build a full theology around it, we distort the truth. Jesus spoke about money in like sixteen of his thirty-plus parables. What’s crazy is that He never asked for it or needed it, but He was always talking about it because He knew His audience. Money was and is a big deal for us.

Jesus knew that money could add meaning to our life, but it’s not the meaning of our life. At the end of your life, no one is gathered around your casket or urn thinking about your bitcoin investment. If you spend all of your life making money as your end goal, it doesn’t end well. Using money as a means to an end is actually what makes money valuable. Making money the goal is not how it gains value.

Your possessions are at the epicenter of where God begins to move in our lives. Why? Because it represents in our culture where devotion lies. It is so difficult to surrender our stuff, our money and our generation. Jesus asked us to sacrifice for other people like He did. The most important thing to God is people.

When Jesus showed up, He flipped the script. It stopped being about obedience to the law and shifted to generosity to others. We were called to love our neighbors unconditionally. When we love money, our heart is not centered on God but rather on self, on comfort and on individually establishing our own security.

Money is nothing more than a tool. God views wealth in a completely different way than you and I. God wants us to take advantage of what we have been given and use it for something bigger than our own selfish desires. Use your worldly resources to benefit others. What you are managing right now has the ability to create an impact that is eternal, but not if you are busy loving your money.

In Luke 16:13, Jesus said that no person can serve two masters. The chief competitor for your heart and your devotion is your money. The real question is, does money have you or do you have money? God can see where your devotion lies, and it plays out in your generosity toward others.

At Centerpoint, we are breaking down every barrier that keeps people from the love of God. We don’t shy away from the hard questions. No matter where you are in your faith journey, you are welcome to join us! Atheist, agnostic or Jesus-follower, there is a seat for you at our table.