How to find my calling and passion in this life?

Every single person has a specific calling for their life. Some are called to be doctors, lawyers, business professionals or stay-at-home parents. Others are called to work in ministry at a church or nonprofit, or start a business, or work in a trade-specific industry. Most people have an innate desire to do something with their life that matters — something that makes a difference and impacts the world for the better, but not everyone knows what their calling in life is. Some are still searching for their calling and passion in life.

Is that you? Are you trying to find your calling and seeking out answers? Although it may seem that everyone knows what they’re supposed to do with their life and where they’re going, most people are searching for their calling, too. According to Lifeway Research, “Most Americans (57%) say they wonder, ‘How can I find more meaning and purpose in my life?’ at least monthly, with more than 1 in 5 saying they consider the question daily (21%) or weekly (21%).”

How to find your calling

Finding your purpose and passion in life is not an easy or lighthearted task. Arguably, it’s some of the most important work you’ll do. So, how do you find your calling? Here are some tips to help you find your calling and passion in life:

  • Nail down your beliefs. What you believe and why you believe it plays a major role in understanding your calling. Having a solid foundation regarding your belief system will help you determine what you’re passionate about. What do you believe about God and Jesus? Do you know why you believe in Jesus or why you don’t? Nail those down. This phase of the process will probably take some soul searching and deep research. Ask yourself: Do you have a good reason to not believe in Jesus?

  • Set your priorities. Once you have an understanding of what you believe, you’ll be able to establish your life’s priorities. Is God high on your priority list? What about family? Your career? Being a mom or dad? Make a list of the things that are important to you and prioritize them. For Christians, this is the part of the process where we seek God. Pray and ask God to show you His will for your life. His will is your calling.

  • Be prepared to say yes. If you’ve prayed and asked God to reveal His calling for your life, He will. Are you ready to say yes to your calling? Ask God to give you a passion for your calling.

How do you know you’ve found your calling?

You think you’ve found your calling, but you’re just not sure. How do you really know? Here are some clues that you’re living out your calling:

  • You’ve spent time in prayer. Cultivating a lifestyle of prayer is how we learn to discern God’s voice to understand when He’s speaking to us. It would make it easier if God spoke in a loud, booming voice because we’d have no doubt that it was Him. But God often speaks softly and we need to be ready to hear Him.

  • You read the Bible regularly. Part of preparing to hear Jesus is spending time in the Word of God. Reading the Bible regularly changes our perspective. It’s how we learn about God’s character, and God won’t give you a calling that doesn’t align with His character.

  • You have a sense of peace. When you think about your calling, what do you feel? Do you feel anxious? Or angry? Many times, if you’re following God’s will for your life, you will have a sense of peace.

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. And every journey needs a Starting Point.

Starting Point groups are in-person, stress-free and judgment-free groups that meet periodically at Centerpoint Church. Here, you can spend some time getting to know fellow group members, reading and having an open conversation about topics like God, the Scriptures, faith, and Jesus. Completely new to the teachings of Jesus? Returning to church after a long break? Questioning the teachings you were brought up with or just unsure what you believe? Our Starting Point groups are here to help you navigate your faith journey. Get in touch with us to learn when the next Starting Point group is meeting or to join a Starting Point group.


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