Three reasons to think twice about getting involved with "Christian-only" social media platforms

Logging on to Facebook, Instagram or TikTok can sometimes be such a drag. People who you thought were friends are fighting over everything, it seems. Friends and family members alike are fighting over politics, religion, and even seemingly simple things like photos or the best place to eat dinner. A place that was meant for connection is doing just the opposite; it’s disconnecting us from the people we love — both figuratively as we stare at our phones and literally as we argue about this and that. It leaves you asking, “Is it really worth it?” 

Maybe you’re tired of the drama and want to switch to a “Christian-only” social media. That’ll solve the issues, right? Well, before you take the plunge and join a bunch of Christian Facebook groups, here are some things to keep in mind. 

Check for troll farms

Is that Christian Facebook page you liked a troll farm? According to MIT Technology Review, “Troll farms are professionalized groups that work in a coordinated fashion to post provocative content, often propaganda, to social networks.” Additionally, the overwhelming majority of Facebook’s top pages for American Christians were run by Eastern European troll farms — 19 out of 20 pages, in fact, according to internal documents leaked to MIT Technology. Those troll farms reached approximately 140 million Americans per month. And many of them were spewing false information that contradicted theology. 

Before you click “like,” check to see if the page is run by a troll farm. Sometimes, it’s difficult to determine if a page is a fake account. Start by checking how active the page is and the type of content it’s posting. Here are some other tips for spotting a fake page or account:

  • Low-quality images.

  • Heavy on the advertising-style content.

  • Differing name in the URL.

  • Lack of content or interactions.

  • Spotting other fake accounts.

You can check to see if you’re following any fake Christian social media pages by visiting Facebook’s page for checking what you’ve liked. 

Ask: Is it accurate?

Christian social media is a prime target for misinformation. Before you “like” a page, take a careful look at the content. It’s so important to check the accuracy of content before hitting the “like” or “share” button. Sharing a false view of Jesus has the potential to be incredibly harmful. Here are some questions to ask to check if a post is accurate:

  • Does it contradict the Bible? Not sure? Look it up! Go straight to the Bible — you can do this with a physical or digital Bible.

  • Can you find the original source of the information? A quick Google search should help you determine this.

  • Would Jesus share it? Even if it’s accurate, ask if it is written in the correct tone. Or is it hurtful or distasteful? If so, rethink sharing it.

If you can’t answer those questions, it’s best to skip posting or resharing information. Sharing or liking false or hurtful information does not help impact others for Christ — even if it’s from a Christian social media page. And, as Christians, that is our goal — to tell others about Jesus’ love (in a way Jesus would tell them).

We need in-person community

In the times of COVID-19, it is so easy to opt for a virtual community. The truth is, though, that we need in-person fellowship — relationships with fellow Christians with the goal to grow closer to Jesus. Proverbs 27:17 (NIV) reminds us, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” 

Sure, some Christian social media groups are great. But don’t let that be the only community or fellowship that you have with other Christians. Make sure you’re getting involved with your local church and in your local community. 

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. Do you want to grow in your faith, or are you simply curious about who this Jesus guy is? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.


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