What is worship all about?

If church is a new setting for you or if you are visiting a new church, you might be taken aback by the worship service. Like, what is the point? The lights, the music, the crowds on their feet might seem overwhelming if You’re not sure what the purpose of it all is. 

Those songs we sing prepare our heart for God’s words. 

Worship is not about what is happening on the stage. It’s bigger than the style of music or the quality of the mics. Worship isn’t about what it does for us. The point of worship is God. It’s about giving our focus and our lives to God. It is not about the warm fuzzy feelings we receive, the person dancing to our right or the person sitting to our left. Worship is not about us, it’s about God. 

Worship is a place where we surrender our thoughts and concerns. It’s where we come to get ready for the message and turn our focus fully on God. Life is messy and stressful. What’s happening “out there” can keep us from focusing on what we’ve come to learn. Worship centers us and prepares us to be impacted by the message. 

Worship is only worship when God is the object of worship. 

But, true worship does not only happen during the music. It also happens during prayer and the sermon. It occurs during baptism and communion. Worship happens when we give honor and glory to God when He alone is our focus. When we gather together in our community groups and turn our focus to Scripture that is worship. When we gather around a table for a meal and discuss our Creator who has provided the food, that is worship. Worship is defined by giving reverence and praise to the One who is worthy. 

At Centerpoint, we are breaking down every barrier that keeps people from the love of God. We don’t shy away from the hard questions. No matter where you are in your faith journey, you are welcome to join us!


Why should we read the Bible?


What is true biblical fellowship?