9 rules of leadership that can help new and old leaders alike

Without leaders, societies and organizations would cease to exist. We need leaders to tell us what's right and where to go. The leader is responsible for bringing people together with a united vision and working toward that shared goal. 

Some of you may be in charge of a team, some influence others, and others might be relative newcomers to their role as a leader. Regardless of where you fit in the scheme of things, rules of leadership are so important.

We can all learn how to sharpen our leadership skills at any age. Here are some rules of leadership to consider:

  1. Lead yourself before leading others — Get a firm grasp on what you stand for, who you are and what your values are because that will inform what you do when it's time to lead others.

  2. Engage others in the process — Do not be afraid to engage those around you, not just for their opinions. How can you bring them into a process being considered?

  3. Be a realist and an optimist — The best leaders are both. They see the world as it is, but they are also optimistic about how better it can be.

  4. Avoid false dichotomies — False dichotomies are when you create a wrong choice between two extremes (e.g., I'm either hard-charging or I'm a wimp). In reality, you need to be a leader who is both hard-charging and compassionate, who is both confident and humble, who is both open to feedback yet decisive in their actions.

  5. Find someone you trust — Find someone you trust enough to act as your devil's advocate; find someone who will tell you the hard truths that no one else will say to your face.

  6. Be comfortable saying "I don't know" — You don't have all the answers, nor should you pretend to have them all. This may give someone on your team a chance to present a solution.

  7. Be yourself — You don't need to be an extrovert to be an effective leader. Many of the best leaders are modest and even shy. But you do need to be authentic. So let your personality shine through — your way — and people will respect you for it. When people sense inauthenticity, they stop following leadership.

  8. Be generous — The greatest leaders know that leadership is not about them — it's about empowering others and lifting people around them. A good leader can give credit where credit is due and share credit with others who deserve it. When you're generous with praise, others notice and appreciate it when they receive recognition themselves.

  9. Think of yourself as a servant leader first — Always put others' needs ahead of your own. Doing this will help your team become more unified because they will mimic what you model.

Steps to engaging rules of leadership

You're the boss. If you’re in the professional world, you've invested some time climbing the corporate ladder, and now people look to you for direction. But just because your office has a bigger window and your name is on the door doesn't mean you were born a leader.

Leadership is a skill that can be forever developed. 

Here are simple steps toward incorporating rules of leadership:

  • Don't act like a boss. Exercise humility.

  • Find a mentor.

  • Admit when you're wrong.

  • Be flexible.

  • Read books on leadership.

  • Know your people and what motivates them — empower them to meet their goals.

  • Ask your team what effective leadership looks like to them.

  • Communicate clearly and effectively — know your audience and tailor your message accordingly.

The traits and characteristics of a good leader would be difficult to pin down as it varies from person to person and each context is different. But in general, if you want to lead people well, make sure you understand what makes them tick. Get to know your staff. Reflect on how you can improve yourself as a leader. And never forget that leadership is about service, not about power.

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. You can also find out what our community’s drive and passion are all about by checking out some of the past sermons we’ve posted on our website. 

Do you want to grow in your faith, or are you curious about who this Jesus guy is? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our podcast series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.


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