Why you should link fasting and increased practicing of spirituality

When we fast, we allow our bodies to focus less on our physical needs, such as eating or drinking, and we allow ourselves to focus more on our spiritual needs. Fasting and spirituality help us recognize what we need spiritually to serve God with our lives better.

When we need a breakthrough or an answer from God, fasting is the key. Fasting and spirituality allow us to separate ourselves from the world and draw closer to the Lord.

Jesus often withdrew from the crowds (Luke 5:16). He knew that he could get closer to His Father by fasting and praying and hearing what He had to say. We, too, can break away from the distractions in this world for a season and get closer to God through fasting.

What happens to us spiritually when we fast?

In some ways, fasting is a form of meditation, but instead of emptying our minds, we focus on Jesus' presence. When fasting, we are focusing on the presence of Jesus in our lives (John 14:23). In Matthew 6:16–18 and Luke 4:1–13, Jesus gave us examples of how to fast. The initial thing that jumped out to me when I read these passages was that He said to fast when no one else knows about it (Matthew 6:17-18). This tells me that fasting is done between God and you alone. It's a time of deeper communion with the Lord, and it requires some measure of privacy.

Is there more to fasting and spirituality?

You bet. On a personal level, everyone experiences the power and effects in various ways. Here are some things you may encounter while fasting:

  • It helps us experience the power of God in our lives more than ever before. You may have prayed before and nothing happened, but when you fasted, things changed immediately or shortly after fasting (see Isaiah 58:6-9).

  • Fasting offers an opportunity for self-examination and reflection. This is a time to reflect on the past and consider goals for the future.

  • Fasting can help build spiritual sensitivity. Your inner-knower knows what's going on before it happens.

  • Fasting results can be a greater awareness of our dependence on God and a greater sensitivity to His leading.

Guidelines for fasting and spirituality 

A spiritual fast is a powerful way to focus on a specific area of your life that you feel God wants you to get in order. Often, people fast to have more time to pray, like when Moses was fasting for 40 days and nights in the desert.

Before you decide to do a spiritual fast, it's essential to understand how it works, what types of fasts are out there, and what you can expect during one. 

Here are 6 guidelines for doing a spiritual fast:

  1. Identify the reason you want to fast.

  2. Pick a type of fast that fits your needs and lifestyle.

  3. Decide how long you will fast.

  4. Set accountability partners and tell them about your decision.

  5. Tell someone at church or a trusted friend or family member about your decision so they can pray for you as well.

  6. If fasting something other than food, set up a plan for staying away from the item(s) you are fasting during the day and at night when sleeping. For example, if you’re fasting social media, place your phone out of reach while sleeping and put it in another room while awake so that it is not easily accessible.

Topics to pray about while fasting

Here are 8 fasting and spirituality topics to pray about:

  1. Pray that God will show you what is necessary to know and do.

  2. Pray that God will guide your words, thoughts and actions.

  3. Pray that God will teach you to listen more closely to hear and receive His instruction, correction and guidance.

  4. Pray for the ability to be sensitive to the Spirit of God in all things.

  5. Pray that God will give you wisdom in all things.

  6. Pray for insight in all areas of life, especially concerning relationships with others.

  7. Pray for strength to overcome bad habits that hinder your relationship with Christ.

  8. Pray for wisdom to recognize when to act and when best to wait on the Lord.

We are all pretty intelligent people. There is always more wisdom and the mind of Christ to expand in. Fasting is a way to humble oneself and embrace a new level of openness to our Maker. Wisdom comes from God; however, fasting allows us to prepare our minds to receive knowledge from God when He sees fit to grant it. If you wish to become wiser and more spiritual, you should consider fasting for a period of time.

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. You can also find out what our community’s drive and passion are all about by checking out some of the past sermons we’ve posted on our website. 

Do you want to grow in your faith, or are you curious about who this Jesus guy is? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our podcast series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.


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