Want to be more like Jesus? Here are five steps that can help

Christians and people who admire Jesus often talk about the desire to become more Christlike. But this is easier said than done. We are deeply flawed people who don’t have the power to become Christlike on our own, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can spend our lives becoming more like Him.

Five steps for becoming more like Jesus

There is no formula for becoming more like Jesus, but there are some practices that many Christians follow on their walk to be more like Him, including:

  1. Spend time reading the Bible — The story of Jesus is compiled into four books of the Bible: the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If you’re aiming to become more like Jesus, you need to become more familiar with His story, His teachings and His examples. Don’t neglect the rest of the Bible either. Jesus is one with the Father, and the rest of the stories in the Bible are just as relevant to your growth.

  2. Pray ⁠— Prayer is our immediate connection to God. We can pause to speak to Him at any time of the day and to listen to what He may be saying to us. Jesus spent a lot of time praying to the Father during His time on Earth. To become more like Jesus, you should take time to talk to Him in prayer.

  3. Follow your convictions ⁠— Whether from reading Scriptures or from prayer, you may be convicted in some way. You might be convicted to make a change in your life, to reach out to someone, to give and more. If you feel convicted about something based off of what you’re learning, lean into the conviction. Not acting on what you’re learning stumps your growth.

  4. Be more charitable toward others — Many of Jesus’ teachings emphasized loving others. This is a challenge for many of us as we tend to gravitate toward those who are more like us and shun those who are different. However, if we want to become more like Jesus, we need to love others well.

    And remember, this isn’t just for the arbitrary purpose of being able to say you’re more like Jesus. It’s because loving others is something that is good and loved by God. 

  5. Practice humility ⁠— Jesus taught that being humble and putting others before yourself is the way to grow closer to God and love others well. He was so humble to the point that He allowed Himself to be crucified. This is remarkable considering the amount of power He could have had since He was (and still is), well, God. To be more like Jesus, we, too, should practice humility. 

Centerpoint Church will walk beside you on your journey of growth

Jesus taught the value of fellowship during His time on Earth, and this is still valuable for us today. The church is meant to be a body of people who follow Christ and love others. If you’re aiming to become more Christlike, you shouldn’t do it alone. Our community at Centerpoint would love to be by your side as you walk through your journey of growth.


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What it means to become more like Jesus