Five ways to simplify your life in today’s fast-paced and complicated world

The modern world is full of distractions and other complications that make life feel scrambled and stressful. We often find ourselves wishing life was simpler but don’t know where to start. If this sounds like you, here are some steps that can help you get started.

1. Get rid of the clutter

Did you know that a cluttered and messy home has an effect on your mental health? A cluttered space is difficult to navigate and to lose things in, which can be overwhelming and stressful. A good start in simplifying your life is to declutter your home. Not only will this make it a more relaxing environment that’s easier to navigate, the process of accomplishing the task is mentally rewarding. 

2. Take a break from technology

Many of us are too frequently glued to our smartphones, tablets and laptops. We spend a lot of time on social media fretting over what others are doing and thinking and how they are responding to our own thoughts and images that we share. This can all be a bit overwhelming and makes life pretty complicated.

Set aside time every day to stay away from technology and social media. This will help you to focus more on yourself and to enjoy the present. 

3. Manage your budget 

Poor money management is a quick way to make life complicated. Take control of your budget and establish a healthy spending pattern that helps simplify your financial decisions. Even if you aren’t in debt or have more than enough money to get by, without a structured budget, your money can easily demand too much of your attention. 

4. Cut out toxic people from your life

Some people are perpetually negative. They always have something to complain about and lash out against others. Now, we won’t encourage you to cut someone out just because they’re having a bad day or going through a rough patch, but you should stop being around someone who is constantly negative and acts poorly toward you.

5. Find joy in what you have

Life gets complicated because we think we need more. More money, more things, more friends… The truth is, we usually want more than we need.

Simplifying your life is rewarding and helps you realize how much joy you can find in the simple things. Don’t let uncontrolled desires dictate the direction of your life. Simplify your life and see how much more joy you’ll find.

At Centerpoint, we believe Jesus wants us to have a simpler life, not one that is filled with complications and distractions. This doesn’t mean life will be easy and void of trouble or pain, but that we have more space to focus on what’s really important to us. If you’re in the process of simplifying your life and want to be a part of a community that is encouraging and not toxic, we’re here for you. 


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