Common Questions Regarding Faith

Faith is a deeply personal and often complex aspect of human existence. It's a topic that has ignited countless discussions, debates, and journeys throughout history. Whether you're a steadfast believer, a curious seeker, or someone who simply wonders about the role of faith in our lives, you're in the right place.

Relevant life Angela Parker Relevant life Angela Parker

How to Have Confidence and Unoffendable Faith 

Today, it feels like we're more divided than ever, doesn't it? Everywhere we look, there's conflict and disagreement, whether cultural, political, or personal. But as followers of Jesus, we're called to rise above this division. We're invited to stand confidently in our faith and to love unconditionally, no matter the differences we face. This might sound challenging, but it's exactly what our world needs right now—believers who are unoffendable, who can disagree yet still love deeply. 

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Relevant life Angela Parker Relevant life Angela Parker

Church: More Than Just a Sunday Hangout

When you think of church, what comes to mind? Is it a place you drag yourself to on Sunday mornings? Or maybe it’s something you check off your weekly to-do list so your mom will stop asking if you’ve been to church. Well, I’ve got some news for you—church is so much more than that. It’s not just a place you go; it’s a family you belong to. And guess what? You are the church.

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Relevant life Angela Parker Relevant life Angela Parker

Relying on Prayer: Unlock the Power of a Faithful Conversation

Just as our spoken words can influence those around us, our prayers hold the potential to transform our lives and circumstances. James 5:16 tells us that prayer is powerful, yet,  how often do we turn to prayer as our last resort rather than our first response? When faced with difficult circumstances, bad decisions, or even moments of joy, our immediate reaction should be to pray. 

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Relevant life Angela Parker Relevant life Angela Parker

WIll you use your words to tear down, or build up?

We’ve all heard the saying that actions speak louder than words. But the truth is, the words we’ve heard have shaped us, and the words we speak have the power to shape others. Some words weigh more than others, carrying the power to build up or tear down, to inspire or destroy. Understanding the significance of our words is crucial for anyone striving to live a life aligned with God's purpose.

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Relevant life Jacqueline Alexander Relevant life Jacqueline Alexander

Owning Your Journey

Taking responsibility for our actions, decisions, and our journey with God today will give us a better tomorrow. The decisions we make today, no matter how small they might seem, determine the direction and quality of our lives.

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Relevant life Jacqueline Alexander Relevant life Jacqueline Alexander

Are You Honest With Yourself? Six Steps To Living a More Authentic Life

Being truthful is a rare and valuable trait in a world filled with masks and facades. It’s a virtue we look for in others and like to claim to have. But, can you claim truth-telling as a virtue if you’re lying to yourself? 

How do you know if you are being honest with yourself? Let's explore six steps that can help unravel the layers of self-deception and embrace the liberating power of authenticity.

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