Why should we read the Bible?

A common New Year’s resolution is to read through the Bible. By the time these dedicated readers hit Leviticus the book goes back on the shelf. It can get difficult to understand ancient texts. I mean the beginning of the Bible holds some strange Good Omens type literature. Talking snakes and rivers that turn to blood are only some of the oddities found there. (Okay, so maybe that’s a reason to actually read it. I mean Good Omens was pretty entertaining.) 

As Christians or people who are curious about this God thing, we read the Bible because it tells a unified story that leads to Jesus. There is wisdom that is universal and timeless in its pages. Whether or not you believe in talking snakes or stubborn donkeys, there are themes and lessons that apply to our day to day life here and now in 2020. 

Reading through the Bible doesn’t have to be a chore. Once you start digging in and develop the habit of reading, it becomes a gift. A fun way to stick with your New Year’s Resolution is to stay in God’s word. A good way to develop the habit of reading the Bible, but to do it to gain wisdom rather than dry facts, is to follow The Bible Project. 

At The Bible Project you’ll learn that how you read the Bible is an important part of the process. Hard concepts are broken down with videos with which you can explore themes, word studies or specific books from the Bible. 

Reading the Bible draws us closer to God. It is a window into who He is and the desires He has for our lives. Spending time reading on our own gives us the ability to discern between authentic teachings of Christ and teachings that mislead and divide us. The Bible is in many ways God’s love letter to us. It shows us how He has been faithful, how others like us have struggled and how much He truly loves each and everyone of us.

At Centerpoint, we are breaking down every barrier that keeps people from the love of God. We don’t shy away from the hard questions. No matter where you are in your faith journey, you are welcome to join us!


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