The Gift of Opportunity: Making the Most of What You've Been Given

Have you ever received a gift that you didn't quite know what to do with? Maybe it sat in your closet, still in its original packaging, waiting for the "right moment" to be used. Sometimes, opportunities in our lives can feel a lot like that – we see them, we're grateful for them, but we're not quite sure what to do with them.

The Opportunity Before Us

Jesus once told a story about three people who were given different amounts of money to manage (Matthew 25). It's fascinating that He doesn't focus on how much each person received, but rather on what they chose to do with what they were given. Some invested and multiplied their gift. One, paralyzed by fear or apathy, simply buried his in the ground.

Sound familiar?

Recognizing Our Gifts

Let's be honest – sometimes it's easier to focus on what we don't have than what we do. We look at others and think, "If I had their connections..." or "If I had their resources..." or "If I had their talent..." But here's the thing: while we're busy looking at what others have, we might be burying our own opportunities in the backyard.

The Weight of Responsibility

There's this powerful truth tucked into Scripture: "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded" (Luke 12:48). Not to pile on pressure, but to remind us that opportunities come with responsibility. Every open door, every relationship, every talent, every resource – they're all invitations to create impact.

What We Often Miss

Here are some opportunities we might be taking for granted:

  • The ability to encourage someone who's struggling

  • Skills that could serve others in meaningful ways

  • Resources that could make a difference in someone's life

  • Relationships that could open doors for others

  • Time that could be invested in things that matter

From Gratitude to Action

When we begin to see opportunities as gifts, something shifts in our perspective. Instead of feeling burdened by responsibility, we start feeling excited about possibility. Here's how to start:

  • Take inventory of what you've been given

  • Look for ways your gifts could meet others' needs

  • Start small but start somewhere

  • Be faithful with what's in front of you

  • Keep your eyes open for new opportunities

The Risk of Playing It Safe

Sometimes, we don't act on opportunities because we're afraid of failing. We convince ourselves that it's better to play it safe than to risk making a mistake. But here's a thought: what if the biggest risk isn't in trying and failing but in never trying at all?

Making It Count

You don't have to do everything, but you are called to do something. Maybe it's:

  • Finally, starting that ministry you've been dreaming about

  • Using your professional skills to mentor others

  • Helping a neighbor with your handyman skills

  • Taking a moment to sit with someone who is hurting

  • Opening your home to build community

  • Sharing your story to encourage someone else

  • Taking that first step toward a God-given dream

What would you add to this list? 

The Joy of Stewardship

Here's the beautiful thing about viewing opportunities as gifts: it takes the pressure off trying to be somebody else and puts the focus on being faithful with what we've been given. It's not about comparison; it's about stewardship.

Ready to start making the most of what you've been given? Join us at Centerpoint Church as we explore what it means to take responsibility for the opportunities God has placed in our lives. Because here's the truth: you've been given gifts that this world needs, and you don't have to figure out how to use them alone.

Want to continue the conversation? Check out our full "Taking Responsibility for Your Life" series in our media library. Whether you're just starting to recognize your opportunities or you're ready to take that next big step, we'd love to walk alongside you on this journey.

Join us at Centerpoint Church in Valrico, Florida, or stream our services live at 11am EST every Sunday. Because sometimes the bravest thing we can do is unwrap the gifts we've been given – and we'd love to help you discover the joy of making them count.


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