Common Questions Regarding Faith
Faith is a deeply personal and often complex aspect of human existence. It's a topic that has ignited countless discussions, debates, and journeys throughout history. Whether you're a steadfast believer, a curious seeker, or someone who simply wonders about the role of faith in our lives, you're in the right place.
Pros and cons of crowdfunding that Christians should consider before giving
Pros and cons of crowdfunding abound even in the Christian community. Learn how to determine which campaigns are worth investing in.
Can you care about all the social justice issues in the U.S.?
Social justice issues present an opportunity for us to be problem solvers. Read on to learn how you can care about and impact the world of social justice.
11 mental health goals you should consider adding to your 2022 goals list
Setting mental health goals for 2022 can help you have a more productive and peaceful year. Discover a few mental health goals that can offer positive results.
How you can help Afghan refugees in the U.S. in 6 simple ways
Learn how you can help Afghan refugees in our nation today. Don’t worry! There are plenty of simple ways to lend a helping hand.
8 small steps you can take to help the poor in your area
Helping the poor is one thing we are called to do as Christians. You can take these small steps to get involved with the poor in your community.
9 ways that deconstructing your faith can be beneficial to you
Deconstructing faith might seem like a bad idea, but it is meant to be a beneficial journey for your faith. Learn nine ways faith deconstruction could benefit you.
8 reasons you should see testing of your faith as an opportunity
A testing of your faith is not always convenient, but it may be essential. Learn some of the benefits you could get from having your faith tested.
3 reasons being open to doing spontaneous things can bring you closer to God
Feeling overwhelmed with all your social obligations? Learn three reasons why being open to doing spontaneous things can bring you closer to God.
10 Bible verses about changing yourself for the better and how to apply them to your faith journey
The world is full of hurt, and something has to change to make it better. Learn what the Bible has to say about changing yourself for the better.
3 ways you can work prayer time into your daily routine
We get that life is busy and that it’s so easy for things like prayer to slip to the wayside. Learn three ways to increase your prayer time.
3 social media sins Christians should work to avoid
Are you making these three social media sins and giving Jesus a bad reputation? Learn how to avoid some common social media mistakes.
What is the Protestant work ethic and why does it need to be tempered with rest?
Are you tired and on the verge of burnout? When was the last time you rested? Find out what the protestant work ethic is and why you should rest.
Three ways to worship God that don’t involve sitting in a pew
Worshipping God does not have to wait for Sunday church. It can be ingrained in our daily lives by how well we love God and love His people.
Why asking questions about Jesus is the best way to grow your faith
God is an intellectual being who created us with intellect. He is not afraid of questions. And He is not afraid of doubts. Ask the questions.
What to do when you don’t feel like having quiet time with God
Let’s face it: Sometimes we’d rather watch Netflix and scroll through Instagram than spend quiet time with God. But here’s why quiet time is important.
I am angry at God: Am I allowed to be?
Anger is an emotion created by God, so it’s normal that we feel it from time to time. But it’s what we do with that anger that makes all the difference.
Is what you wear to church really that important?
The issue of what you wear to church is a product of the Old Testament temple-system religion. Jesus doesn’t care about your wardrobe.
What is the “golden rule” in the Bible and how can you apply it to your life?
The golden rule describes Jesus’ teaching that says, “Do unto others as you would have done unto you.” But how do we apply that in our daily lives?
Three reasons to think twice about getting involved with "Christian-only" social media platforms
Trying to decide if you should join that Christian social media page or like that post? Before you click that button, learn why you may want to think twice.
Three reasons to regularly ask, "What does God want from me?"
Understanding what God wants from you can sometimes be a challenge. Learn three reasons why you should ask Jesus about His will for your life.