January 2025 Pledge update from Pastor Bryant

Hi Centerpoint Family,

I wanted to take a moment to update you on our Reimagine Building Campaign. This initiative is all about reimagining more space to reach more people with a different kind of church.

Here’s where we stand:

  • Primary Goal: 100% participation – we want every CCer to grow their faith and actively be the church.

  • Secondary Goal: Raise $3 million to expand our CC Kids space and our auditorium/lobby. So far, we’ve received $1 million in pledges (committed through December 2026) and $200,000 given to date. We need about $200,000 more to be given to move forward with Pathways Learning Academy. 

Currently, about 30% of active CCers have participated which represents hundreds of people but we have a huge opportunity with the other 70%.

We knew this would be a stretch goal and may take longer to reach, especially considering our uniquely diverse demographic, which has shifted to include more unchurched and dechurched individuals than ever before. While this does create financial challenges compared to other churches, it aligns perfectly with why Centerpoint exists: to remove every unnecessary barrier for people to find life and freedom in Jesus. 

What’s Next?

  1. Ongoing Updates: We’ll keep you informed monthly via email and onstage as we progress.

  2. Financial Stewardship: We’re committed to making wise, God-honoring decisions as we move forward. This is an opportunity to wait on God and trust him with the outcome.

  3. Participation Needed: We need to raise $2 million in additional pledges over the next two years.

How You Can Help

  • If you haven’t yet joined the campaign, we’d love to know what’s holding you back and what questions we can help answer.

  • If you’ve already pledged, your continued faithfulness in giving those pledges is more important than ever. Every contribution helps us take the next steps, including starting construction on the CC Kids expansion and Pathways Learning Academy. 


Get a sneak peek at the new building