Four things to keep in mind if you’re trying to find your calling

A lot of people in Christian circles and contemporary culture often talk about finding their calling. By this, they may mean finding their ultimate purpose in life or by figuring out what God wants them to do.

Have you been asking yourself these kinds of questions? Finding your calling shouldn’t ever be something to stress about but is a good thing to strive for. If you’re trying to figure out your calling in life, here are four things to keep in mind:

1. Be patient

What you determine to be your calling often has something to do with what you’re passionate about in life. Figuring out what you’re passionate about can take some time, which is frustrating for younger people who are ready to find a sense of purpose.

God has a plan for you. Sometimes it takes a long time to figure out what this is. It’s important to be patient and let yourself grow and discover more about yourself, who you’re going to be and how you connect with God.

2. Identify what you love

If you don’t feel like you’re passionate about something, you may not have given it enough thought or you need more time to try new things and find out what you love.

Keep track of what you do that you enjoy, feels meaningful and has an impact on others. After some time, you may begin to notice you have what could be considered a passion for what you love to do. This may be your calling.

3. Talk to others

Other people have a different perspective on your life. While you might overthink things and not be sure about what you’re passionate about or talented in, others can see this clearly. Talk to people you love and trust about what they think your calling may be. You might be surprised at the amount of clarity they have in response. 

4. Pray

God gives us the gift of prayer to freely talk with Him and listen to what He has to say. He doesn’t want us to wonder in confusion during our time on this earth. Pray to Him for guidance and clarity on your journey of discovering your calling.

At Centerpoint Church, we believe everyone has a purpose. Whether you call it a calling, a passion or something else, God has something good in store for you. We’d love to journey with you and help you find your calling.


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