What can we change about the church to make it more welcoming?

The church is God’s idea and is supposed to be the hope of the world. However, so many people have an experience and vision of the church that is not a good one. Too often, the church is stubborn and says it won’t change because it is righteous and won’t bend to the ways of the world. 

While we can appreciate sticking to principles, no one is asking the church to stray from God. We’re asking the church to stray from its ungodly practices.

The church is not welcoming

The church was to be the physical representation of Jesus on planet Earth. Yet so many people look at the church and don’t see Jesus. Church membership is declining rapidly. And you have to wonder at a certain point, is it us or is it them who are wrong?

We think it’s us (the church).

Think about this: Anytime you are about to do something, you think deeply on what you need to do. You think about what others have done in the same situation. What would you do differently? What would you change? 

We need to start thinking about the church in the same way. Change isn’t bad. Change is what Jesus brought that made the church so welcoming in the beginning. Now we’ve become too addicted to religion, rituals and cultural identity. It’s our turn to change, just like it was time for the religious institutions of Jesus’ time on earth to change.

What can we do to make the church more welcoming?

Some ideas that we can start using to help make the church more welcoming include:

  • Let people belong — Too often, the church doesn’t really accept someone until that person becomes more like them. When a person accepts Jesus publicly, then a church gets more active about including them. However, we need to practice letting people belong no matter what they believe.

    Our job is to love them and share Jesus’ teachings. It’s Jesus’ job to actually impact their beliefs.

  • Embrace diversity — Ever hear the term “white church” or “black church”? In a post-segregation world, it makes no sense that our churches are still separated by racial barriers. Christians need to reach out to people of any ethnicity and background and make them feel welcome without expecting them to have to take on “white (or black) Christian culture” to feel welcome.

  • Invest in your community — It’s one thing to say your church cares about others. It’s another to do it. Get involved with your local community. Volunteer to help clean the streets and neighborhoods. Organize community game nights. Feed the homeless. Support charities and fundraisers.

    In other words, practice what you preach.

  • Focus on the Gospel — A lot of churches get too political. They embrace one side of the political spectrum more than the other, and they alienate members and guests who have opposing views.

    The church is supposed to be apolitical, not a political tool. It’s one of the main reasons the Romans hated the church: It served Jesus over Caesar.

    Let your church be about the Gospel and practicing the teachings of Jesus. Leave politics at the door.

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. We are currently going through a new sermon series titled “What Would Jesus Undo?” It’s all about what we imagine Jesus would want to undo in today’s church to rebuild it to better fit His image and His teachings. 

Do you feel like the church has lost its way and could use some restructuring? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.


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