Why is the church so resistible?

Did you know that U.S. church membership has dipped down sharply in the past two decades? There is not much indication that this is going to change. If you’re a Christian who regularly attends church, you might be wondering why. If you’re not a Christian or if you’re a Christian estranged from church, you understand exactly why: The church has become very easily resistible.

Let’s explain what we mean.

When Jesus departed to be at the side of God in wherever it is that God resides, He charged His followers with spreading His message and teachings. The church was to be the physical representation of Jesus on planet Earth. Yet, so many times when people look at church, it looks nothing like Jesus and fails to attract the type of people Jesus attracted.

Attracting the resistant

The church today largely serves people who already consider themselves Christians before attending a service or people who have a faith background and are coming back to it. We think it’s great that people who believe in Jesus and His message seek each other out in a common place where they can learn, worship and fellowship with each other. However, when Jesus walked the earth, He wasn’t here to seek out the religious or the righteous or the pious. He came for the broken, the neglected, the poor and the cast out.

Ask yourself, honestly, is that who the church seeks out today? If we’re being honest, the same church that Jesus charged with following His example is more or less a country club for like-minded people. 

The church is so easy to resist because it is set in a system that it does not want to deviate from. It wants people to be believers before letting them belong. 

Jesus invited people to belong before believing.

Often, churches spout platitudes like “Our doors are open to anyone” or “All are welcome in the house of God.” But, when a gay person walks in, the tone changes. When someone who is of another faith walks in, the guards go up. 

This is normal for human beings who naturally want to group up and are wary of outsiders. But this is so unlike Jesus, who not only said all are welcome but actively sought them out. He went to their communities, their streets and their homes. He showed them that He wanted them and would take them as they were. 

We can’t say the same about the church today.

However, there is hope. The church can change. Some people don’t like hearing that, but we need to remember that Jesus calls us to be humble. He asks us to love our neighbors and love God and trust that everything else will fall under these two principles. Let’s give loving others a chance. 

Let’s tear down our walls and go out and reach people where they are, as they are and let them belong so Jesus can help them believe.

Centerpoint Church is ready to walk with you on your faith journey

At Centerpoint, our community believes in purpose and passion, and we would love to walk with you on your journey in finding yours. We are currently going through a new sermon series titled “What Would Jesus Undo?” It’s all about what we imagine Jesus would want to undo in today’s church to rebuild it to better fit His image and His teachings. 

Do you feel like the church has lost its way and could use some restructuring? You’re not alone. We encourage you to listen to our series online and welcome you to come to one of our Sunday morning services in Valrico, Florida.


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