Common Questions Regarding Faith

Faith is a deeply personal and often complex aspect of human existence. It's a topic that has ignited countless discussions, debates, and journeys throughout history. Whether you're a steadfast believer, a curious seeker, or someone who simply wonders about the role of faith in our lives, you're in the right place.

Relevant life Angela Parker Relevant life Angela Parker

Church: More Than Just a Sunday Hangout

When you think of church, what comes to mind? Is it a place you drag yourself to on Sunday mornings? Or maybe it’s something you check off your weekly to-do list so your mom will stop asking if you’ve been to church. Well, I’ve got some news for you—church is so much more than that. It’s not just a place you go; it’s a family you belong to. And guess what? You are the church.

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Jacqueline Alexander Jacqueline Alexander

Should Christians keep the Sabbath?

As Christians, our rest is found in Jesus (Matthew 11:28-30), but our relationship with God grows when we also keep the Sabbath. 

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Jacqueline Alexander Jacqueline Alexander

Why people leave the church

Over the last few years, the number of Americans regularly attending church has significantly decreased. Here are a few reasons why people leave the church.

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Jacqueline Alexander Jacqueline Alexander

What is the church?

Why do we keep ascribing a personality to a building and calling it “the church”? Learn what the church is and why you should consider checking it out.

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Jacqueline Alexander Jacqueline Alexander

The church vs. Jesus’s church

What the church has become might look a lot different than the church Jesus set out to create. Let's take a look at what Jesus taught versus what the church does.

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Jacqueline Alexander Jacqueline Alexander

Why is the church so resistible?

Does it feel like it's easy for people to disregard or undervalue the church? Maybe that's because it is. Take a look at why the church is so resistible.

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Jacqueline Alexander Jacqueline Alexander

What Does Counter-Cultural Christianity Actually Mean

This is where you usually get a list of all the things you should give up in order to be a counter-cultural Christian. I’m not going to give you that list. Why? Because Christ didn’t come to give lists. He came to change lives and he has called us to participate in doing the same.

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Jacqueline Alexander Jacqueline Alexander

How This Modern Church in Brandon, FL, is Creating Safe Places

Modern churches, like Centerpoint in Brandon, Florida, are amplifying the truths of Scripture to a world that has fallen deaf to church tradition. They focus on community, are Christ-centered, address today’s culture, and create environments and experiences that connect with the modern person.

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Jacqueline Alexander Jacqueline Alexander

Five reasons you should try a non-denominational church

Did you grow up in one of the BIG denominations: Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic? Do you live in the Plant City, Florida, area and are wondering what a non-denominational church has to offer?

We can’t speak for every non-denominational church in Tampa or even Plant City, but here are five reasons you should try Centerpoint.

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Jacqueline Alexander Jacqueline Alexander

Stop demanding the world bow to you

We are to tear down walls, remove the barriers that keep people from Jesus, and start fulfilling our destiny. This is the only way we will live life to the fullest.

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